Wrestling’s Most…Crappy Gimmick

Wrestling’s Most…Crappy Gimmick
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My TNA Wrestler says this plugin is extensive! despite the indisputable truth that his debut wasn't botched to a silly level this persona would seemingly occupy fret up on our countdown anyway with his long puffy vest coat part and bedazzled stormtrooper helmet and badly dubbed promos all i occupy to say is.

The amount three most clever gimmick voted by you the fans is most definitely no longer going to shock the arena because it's none varied than the shock master and it sucked balls that's that’s gargantuan [__] that’s so execrable it's accurate does that even count.

You don't know who i am what's with the fur what's with the fur where design where design you build aside on flickers and fur i mean what club woody's hey fellas i'm the shockmaster i'm wearing a shiny helmet and fur and i purchased jeans on.

There's about a uh matches you will be in a position to gaze on-line i had a one-share outfit and a hood that changed into once where on on on you realize more or less you realize care for a comedian book kind persona to open with you realize uh as tim gunn from project runway would shriek.

That's heart-broken yes i peer project a technique don't you deem me care for vader uh apartment the next luke skywalker every other that's the unfastened skywalker occupy a helmet and they loyal build aside some glitter on it well they’d the they’d obviously they’d the uh the storm trooper mask just.

Love that they supplied just off the shelf well it appears to be like care for a halloween costume to me no doubt uh and a beautiful rattling accurate one i i would mediate i would care for to costume up care for that uh uh everytime you're observing this on halloween the mask changed into once very odd that's a [__] megastar wars helmet how did they no longer build aside a query to to at.

Least derive [__] sued by george lucas for half of that's a stormtrooper helmet am i am i [__] unsuitable that’s that’s every megastar wars fans care for worst wet dream care for if if a megastar wars fan changed into once presupposed to occupy care for a wet dream about princess leia after which they made the left as an alternate of the just in the wet dream they end up with the.

Shockmaster no that you just gape at that care for that image just there that's presupposed to strike apprehension into the hearts of males i don't know bro i mediate most definitely he changed into once presupposed to be darth vader sooner than his time i mean i design no longer occupy any conception i mean all once more you don't order about vince russo's reserving talking about david arquette until the cows procedure dwelling david all miniature one.

Didn't shuttle over his toes on his technique to profitable the wcw title and sting with his gargantuan promo this guy will shock you because he is the shockmaster care for how coked up changed into once that crew just then when that changed into once taking place oh my god it's there's no rhyme or motive and ideal anderson.

I'm in a closet with a cup and a mic when basically the most ridiculed man in skilled wrestling yes i even occupy my occupy award now i loved his entrance though one of my approved entrances of all time when he uh loyal falls by a wall um.

His opponents care for sid vicious attempting to gape very intimidated by this but i most definitely would occupy stood there and high-tail care for hey uh halloween shop or buck shop where design i derive that in the event you were to set aside this on your head when they did this mask before every thing the flake this is the celebrated deal here the flake on the skin okay.

Is clearly unfastened you gaze how the holes are drilled here all just well there changed into once an project with the flake coming by so huh how will we retain that from falling in fred's eyes it's very miniature imaginative and prescient loyal care for this okay so what we'll design is that they’d jenny ingles who changed into once the.

Secretary on the time uh in the situation of industrial they took her pantyhose off reduce the tan pantyhose and stuck them over the internal of this also yeah because he has a sleeping dysfunction he didn't whine that loyal now well that changed into once him oh [__] i'm sorry.

No he had to sleep he didn't you didn't even know that that when i changed into once sitting over there that changed into once him that man loyal walked out of here he had a sleeping dysfunction on wcw and he had his hands crossed and he fell asleep and fell by the wall he didn't repeat you all that they ought to tranquil.

Contain shot him sooner than he comes by the wall that changed into once brutal well that's purchased to be one of many worst if it gets any worse than that he walked by the door and the helmet fell why didn't they assault him his helmet fell the [__] off i mean you design it stay and [__] you realize what i mean but wow.

That that most definitely is kevin sullivan too you realize kevin comes up with all that i mean you realize the characters that he primitive to design and him and um kurt um king curtis and stuff all that crazy care for contrivance out and you realize out in apartment stuff mumble just by the wall ron and build aside the boots to him all of them must occupy left that then high-tail over and kick the.

Residing daylights i'm shoving merit by the wall that he got here by i mean it's over it's accomplished just i mean it's over anyway how will you duvet that one up soar on them it's a screw-up stuff happens but to undergo and derive the part where it's presupposed to be but any one's ever watched the video can.

Look the reaction from no longer ideal the crowd but from the people in the event that they read their lips it changed into once a no doubt an even wanting moment in wrestling history you realize and it upset me because i changed into once persistently uh as a wrestler i've persistently been hardest on myself in that wish to design the ideal job you realize for the.

Fans and design the part and be sure the part gets over and they acknowledged you and this deal here but they did it to me at wcw they constructed a wall internal of the [__] locker room for the mammoth to throw me in and they introduced in carpenters and they build aside [__] beams in there he throws me in this part and i [__].

Intended it it's loyal care for holy [__] and he picks me up and throws me i purchased my miniature [__] three-three hundred and sixty five days-inclined miniature one where in phoenix i purchased my three-three hundred and sixty five days-inclined miniature one and i repeat my brother high-tail in the assorted room in case one thing goes unsuitable guys i purchased a execrable feeling i'm busted extensive [__] over bleeding care for a [__] pig my brother's [__] neat.

Ass is sitting in front of a [__] song with my miniature one care for this observing it uh i didn't desire my son to gape this is able to well you please be sure they imprint the end-up of me bleeding and i loyal hear him in the assorted room high-tail dad i'm care for i'm i'm comely i'm comely.

He remembers that care for there's [__] that he don't take into account that's care for the kennedy assassination he remembers that you just realize care for care for to this show day care for jeez he acknowledged i he acknowledged after which you bought in the vehicle in the truck and you loyal drove us dwelling and he acknowledged i'm thinking myself care for my dad's going to die on the wheel you realize and he wonder why he doesn't.

Love wrestling is that sid loyal acknowledged sid elegance by myself going oh my god oh my god i didn't [__] david's [__] hands he pushed his [__] ass and booker's care for i mean loyal you peer that you just're loyal care for and in the interval in-between.

You're going oh my god i mean shriek he hadn't tripped shriek he's got here to the wall and the pyro went off where dude he couldn't even tumble with out the [__] helmet how is he gonna work a match physique slam you realize uh russian care for sweep.

You already know somebody in the crowd you loyal rob the [__] new shockmaster i mean how can one thing else that's no doubt where or no longer it’s crucial to if you happen to gaze it for the first time you no doubt occupy to retain your your your proper urethra shut because you're laughing so considerable you.

Don't piss your self at the side of your thumb and forefinger every other youtube approved i mean you you will be in a position to't play that video ample i mean loyal loyal completely traditional i mediate i consider seeing that stay too as a miniature bit one i mediate i seen it because it took location uh wonderful i'm the roughly person you realize makes one thing accurate out of execrable i mean.

But they tried to salvage this in varied routes until they introduced all of it of the contrivance down to the uncle fred persona which changed into once you realize astronomical clumsy you realize i mean here i changed into once in uh at a december vignette where i'm reading the evening sooner than christmas to miniature formative years.

And that i come up clumsily and crush the total toys on my toes i mediate he ended up being loyal some roughly a buffoon care for i mean basically uh they important them to be care for this astronomical horrifying guy but care for after that i mediate didn't they loyal roughly open making stress-free of them and goofing on them fred changed into once.

The form of large bull you realize plausible traumatic son of a [__] wouldn't desire you to wrestle with him yeah it'll persistently be remembered as you realize the tumble down but i mean he loyal did it the assorted evening at a just imprint got here out and the people popped fred's the total guy too man.

You already know all of us hated seeing him tumble on his face care for that the nicest guy on the earth man actual class act um so uh i mediate it's form of care for this form of worst gimmicks that no doubt people of light procedure round to love to a lunge level too you realize.

Makes me wish to take a [__]
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Wrestling’s Most…Crappy Gimmick

Wrestling's Most...Crappy Gimmick