Williams Trick’s success was realized after three decades, indicative of his long-standing perseverance and effort.

Williams Trick’s success was realized after three decades, indicative of his long-standing perseverance and effort.
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As Trick Williams climbs the ladder of success in WWE NXT, his primary goal is to inspire people to have faith in themselves. During a recent episode of “The Masked Man Show” podcast, the current holder of WWE NXT World Champion title shared his aspirations for his legacy.

Williams said, “If I want my legacy to be shared, I want individuals to realize that taking risks on themselves is essential. This is irrespective of their background, the color of their skin, the sport they’re into, or even if they’ve done independent ventures. Many have commented on my wrestling career, saying, ‘In three years he’s achieved so much.’ Actually, it took me 30 years to reach where I am now. I’ve been devoted to my grind for a very long time.”

He further elaborated, “At each stage of this journey, I was comfortable risking for myself. This is what it leads to. It might not be successful the first or even the second time around, but eventually, constant hard work, unwavering faith in the grind, and betting on yourself will get you through each obstacle.”

The contender for Williams’s NXT World Championship title will be chosen through a 25-man battle royal in the upcoming NXT TV episode.