Will Ospreay Reveals When His NJPW Contract Expires

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Will Ospreay is widely viewed as one of the best wrestlers in the world and could be headed to the free-agent market next year.

Speaking with Christopher Walker of DAZN, the former IWGP World Heavyweight Champion was asked to describe whether the amount of stars he gets for his matches matters to him. This is where he noted his deal is up next Febuary.  


“Yes and No,” Ospreay said. “The reason why I say no is because they don’t impact my paycheque. I still get paid the same regardless. In my humble opinion, they don’t matter in terms of financial gain, but in terms of viewership, because I’m this British kid who has done it on Indy shows, I know that when my [NJPW] contract comes up, there’ll be a fight for who wants the best five-star wrestler right now.  

“My contract with New Japan is up next February so from that point who’s not gonna want this kid who’s dedicated to being a hard worker and wanting to put on the best quality of matches.”

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