Will Ospreay Expresses Confidence in Tony Khan’s Handling of His Character and Sets Sights on AEW Match

Will Ospreay Expresses Confidence in Tony Khan’s Handling of His Character and Sets Sights on AEW Match
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Will Ospreay recently discussed his choice to join AEW and his confidence in Tony Khan’s being able to properly book his character in an interview with Sports Illustrated. Here are the highlights. 

On being nervous before Full Gear: “This was a new type of fear. It was completely different from wrestling. Even if you’ve never seen me wrestle, I’m confident that I can do something dazzling and make you remember me. But I couldn’t do that at Full Gear. As I was waiting, I asked myself, ‘What if people don’t know my entrance music, Elevated?’ Then, when Schiavone was talking, it went real quiet. That was scary. There was this murmur, then the music hit. That reception was truly overwhelming for me. People were genuinely happy to have me, and I felt it the moment the music hit.”


On his working relationship with Khan: “At the time, Tony asked what I was interested in doing next in my career. I said my focus was on Japan, and he respected that. I’ll always remember how he respected how I felt. I also need to mention that night was the only singles match I’ve ever wrestled against PAC–that’s something I want to throw out there so we can run it back and put it to rest between us. People need to remember this–since then, I’ve built a trust and respect with Tony. That’s very important to me. When Tony had me work matches for AEW, like I did this summer at All In at Wembley Stadium, he didn’t have to do that. He trusted me. That meant the world to me. Now that I’m coming to AEW, I trust him with the aura of Will Ospreay and the character of Will Ospreay. Tony Khan has genuinely changed my life. In return, I am going to deliver the best matches I can deliver.”

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Will Ospreay, one of the most talented and exciting wrestlers in the world, recently made headlines with his decision to join All Elite Wrestling (AEW). In a recent interview with Sports Illustrated, Ospreay discussed his choice to join AEW and his confidence in Tony Khan’s ability to properly book his character. Here are the highlights of the interview.

One of the topics Ospreay touched on was his nervousness before his debut at Full Gear. He admitted that this was a new type of fear for him, as it was different from the nerves he experiences before a wrestling match. Ospreay is known for his high-flying and dazzling in-ring style, and he was unsure if he would be able to showcase that at Full Gear. However, when his entrance music hit and he made his way to the ring, he was overwhelmed by the reception from the crowd. He felt the genuine happiness from the fans, and it gave him a boost of confidence.

Ospreay also spoke about his working relationship with Tony Khan, the president and CEO of AEW. He mentioned that when Khan asked him about his career goals, he expressed his focus on Japan. Ospreay appreciated that Khan respected his wishes and didn’t pressure him to join AEW right away. However, over time, Ospreay built a trust and respect with Khan. He mentioned a match he had against PAC, where he wants to run it back and settle things between them. Ospreay emphasized the importance of trust and respect in his relationship with Khan, and he expressed gratitude for the opportunities Khan has given him.

The interview showcased Ospreay’s admiration for Tony Khan and how he believes Khan has changed his life. Ospreay expressed his commitment to delivering the best matches he can in return for the trust Khan has placed in him. With Ospreay’s incredible talent and dedication to his craft, fans can expect some unforgettable matches in the future.

Overall, Will Ospreay’s decision to join AEW and his confidence in Tony Khan’s booking of his character highlight the exciting possibilities that lie ahead for both Ospreay and AEW. Wrestling fans can look forward to witnessing Ospreay’s incredible athleticism and high-flying maneuvers in the AEW ring, as he continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in professional wrestling.