Will Ospreay Discloses His Involvement in the Production of Pro Wrestling EVE 123.

Will Ospreay Discloses His Involvement in the Production of Pro Wrestling EVE 123.
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Pro Wrestling EVE held its latest show, One More Feelings, at London’s Big Penny Social on 7th June. After the main show, professional wrestler Will Ospreay appeared wearing a headset, however, he was abruptly interrupted by multiple wrestlers.

Ospreay shared on Twitter that he had a role contributing to the production of the show. His post read,

“Last night, I was actively involved in production for ProWrestlingEVE. It was an unforgettable experience working with all the female wrestlers who delivered an outstanding performance from the start to the end. After a discussion with Dann, I hope to be more involved in this as per my schedule allows. A huge thanks for letting me contribute in any way possible, it was indeed a joy to collaborate with everyone.”

The tweet, in his words, reaffirms his satisfaction and gratitude for being part of the production team for the show and possibility of further involvement. The quote remained intact to keep its essence alive.