Who can be named as the most American patriotic wrestler in WWE? | Query of the Day for July 4th.

Who can be named as the most American patriotic wrestler in WWE? | Query of the Day for July 4th.
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Happy 4th of July everyone! As we celebrate the day of independence, we bring you another eWrestlingNews Question of the Day. This time, the focus is on the patriotic aspects of pro wrestling.

As many of you are aware, pro wrestling has never hesitated to tap into American nationalism. Even when the influence is less obvious, patriotic motifs tend to linger in the background of wrestling narratives. So, in the spirit of the day, we ask: Which WWE superstar do you associate the most with American nationalism?

Of course, the question isn’t asking who do you think is the most ‘American’ in the literal sense. Instead, consider who springs to mind when you contemplate WWE in connection with July 4th, American pride, USA nationalism, etc.

To kick off the discussion, I’ll share my views…

In a podcast that I was previously part of, we debated over which pro American wrestler outshone others. Names such as Sgt. Slaughter, Lex Luger, The Undertaker in his American Badass persona, and others came up.

At present, Cody Rhodes, with his “The American Nightmare” moniker and US flag embellished gear, appears to symbolize American spirit best. Yet, when I think of a WWE superstar embodying USA spirit, other famous figures from the past come to mind first.

Setting aside the likes of The U.S. Express, Hulk Hogan would be my straightforward choice. No one can forget Hogan waving the American flag and donning the role of Mr. America with gusto, making USA an integral part of his storyline. The Patriot, too, holds a similar standard for me.

Looking back at my childhood days, a close second to Hogan would be Sgt. Slaughter (largely due to his association with G.I. Joe) and Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Interestingly, fans would often chant “USA! USA!” in support of Duggan, rather than his own name.

Then there was Lex Luger, seen as Hogan’s successor. Luger had his moments but I viewed him as a slightly remodeled version of Hogan. In subsequent years, The Patriot, Mark Henry, John “Bradshaw” Layfield, Kurt Angle, John Cena, and even Jack Swagger had their phases as American superheroes.

However, that’s just my opinion. Who do you associate with American pride when it comes to WWE? Furthermore, if you hail from another country, who represents your national wrestling icon? Maybe it’s British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith or William Regal representing the UK?

Do share your ideas in the comments below and have a wonderful holiday!