“While I may be 53 in age, neither my mindset, energy levels, nor productivity reflect that number.”

“While I may be 53 in age, neither my mindset, energy levels, nor productivity reflect that number.”
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Recent conversations with the celebrity sports site, TMZ Sports, revealed the unabating confidence of the reigning FTW Champion Chris Jericho in his consistency to deliver top-drawer performances in professional wrestling. Despite being 53, Jericho likened himself to the Rolling Stones, a band that is still rocking the world well into their 70s.

Some key takeaways from the conversation were:

When asked to explain his comparison to the Rolling Stones, Jericho said, “Mick Jagger, at 80, seems to be from a different world. Maybe because he started his career when he was barely out of his teens. I can relate to this, as I don’t see, feel, or work like a 53-year-old. It’s become more about performing instinctually now.”

When it came to his ongoing tie-up with the AEW, Jericho commented, “My confidence in my abilities hasn’t wavered. If I ever believed that I could no longer deliver a performance at the highest peak, I would not continue, no matter if I was 53, 33, or even 73. At the moment, my association with AEW invigorates me.”

The complete interview can be accessed below: (insert the YouTube embed link here)