What steps would you take to salvage the career of Giovanni Vinci?

What steps would you take to salvage the career of Giovanni Vinci?
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Welcome to another riveting eWrestlingNews Debate of the Day!

The future for Giovanni Vinci seems uncertain. Temporarily touted as the weak link of Imperium, he was ultimately disposed of by Gunther and Ludwig Kaiser. He then lay low for months, only surfacing at the 2024 WWE Draft, where he was reluctantly named as the 6th last pick on the second night’s supplemental draft. In an unfortunate turn of events, his comeback was marred by consecutive losses to Apollo Crews, a pretty unexpected contender himself.

With these striking blows, one begins to question whether Vinci can redeem himself. If there is a silver lining, how can it be attained? Was Vinci’s retaliation against Crews mere consolation or the first sign of a promising comeback?

So, here’s what I want to know: “What steps would you implement, if any, to salvage Giovanni Vinci’s career? Or should he explore fresher pastures?”

Drop your insights in the comments below.

My Perspective…

From my perspective, Vinci’s series of losses and the humiliation that ensued don’t pave a promising path towards a triumphant comeback. This isn’t your typical ‘rise from your failures’ narrative, where the protagonist turns his losses into stepping stones. If anything, Vinci’s defeat might fuel occasional victories against wrestlers like Crews or Baron Corbin, nothing beyond that. A shot at LA Knight’s United States Championship is an overreaching dream, let alone graduating to the main event.

The efficacy of a debilitating losing streak is contingent on the wrestler’s established prowess. Fans can rally behind the underdog only if they have faith in his proven skills.

Unfortunately, Vinci is far from being the fighter that fans would endorse. WWE’s portrayal of him as a comic figure who is consistently trounced is getting stale. They could have leveraged his stint with NXT or his association with Imperium to elevate his standing, but they squandered those opportunities, too. At present, their attempts to create a sympathetic villain out of Vinci appear contrived and hollow.

If the onus of reviving Vinci’s career fell on me, my approach would be to withdraw Vinci from television immediately. In a backstage moment, he could express his embarrassment and resolve to resurrect his career. During his hiatus, Vinci could experiment with different personas during house shows. His return should mark an emphatic statement, possibly involving a surprise attack on an unsuspecting rival. Depending on roster availability, Kevin Owens might fit the bill. But for Vinci to make a strong impression, he must win and shed this contrived persona that fans can’t relate to.

A less complicated option would be to let Vinci try his luck in other franchises, like TNA Wrestling. There, he might enjoy a stronger footing relative to his position in WWE. Realising Aichner’s potential during the Cruiserweight Classic motivated me to support his WWE signing. Witnessing WWE’s underwhelming faith in him over the years is disheartening.

What are your suggestions? Join the conversation below!