Welcoming you to another segment of Q & A with eWrestlingNews!
Would you believe that 31 years ago today the WrestleMania X was held at the Madison Square Garden? The 1994 Royal Rumble declared Bret Hart and Lex Luger as the subsequent combatants for Yokozuna’s WWF Championship. The scenario led to a match in which Luger took on Yokozuna first, with the winner progressing to face Hart. Within the course of the event, Lex Luger couldn’t triumph over Yokozuna, however, Bret Hart emerged victorious and claimed the title in the final match of the day.
However, Lex Luger’s WWE Hall of Fame induction this year has sparked curiosity about an alternate outcome.
To remain in the spirit of speculation, I ask you today “How would you have orchestrated Lex Luger’s WWF Championship reign had he won over Yokozuna at WrestleMania X?”
I welcome your answers in the comments section below.
Moving onto my perspective…
To start with, Lex Luger’s victory isn’t my preferred outcome. Bret Hart happens to be my third all-time favorite, and Lex Luger doesn’t even feature in my top 25 list. Arguably, Luger should have won over Yokozuna during SummerSlam 1993. However, I perceive the scenario as it unfolded in April 1994.
The roster at that time didn’t offer much in terms of choices, and as Luger was presented as a babyface, many big names like The Undertaker, Razor Ramon, British Bulldog, and even Bret Hart were unfeasible opponents. With his babyface character, it would have been advantageous for Luger to surpass a heel champion.
Some minor feuds could have involved Rick Martel and Hakushi, while Adam Bomb would have been an initial adversary, and later Bam Bam Bigelow and Crush would serve as obvious “challenging” opponents. A feud with Jerry “The King” Lawler would provide a contrasting dynamic. Jeff Jarrett could also offer a viable feud as a top heel.
Primarily, a significant contender would have been Shawn Michaels, but as Vince McMahon wasn’t ready to bestow the title to HBK then, I’ll exclude that from my speculative booking. Instead, I think the subsequent champion would be either Diesel (omitting the Bob Backlund win over Bret Hart and immediate transition to Diesel), or Owen Hart might have outmatched Luger.
Realistically, while I would have suggested that Owen triumphs over Luger, Bret emerges victorious over Owen, and Diesel doesn’t hold the championship in November, the possibility of Diesel defeating Luger around SummerSlam seems plausible. Diesel would then revert to being a babyface and we would end up with the similar fighting timeline featuring Michaels at WrestleMania 11. Luger, instead of pairing up with British Bulldog, might have engaged in a feud with Owen Hart or Jeff Jarrett. However, Luger, now as a former world champion, would have been more in the limelight.
Though this scenario reduces a title reign from Bret, I’m still not inclined towards this alternate timeline. But a few adjustments could have rendered the outcome equally satisfying, if not more enjoyable.
Even so, I wouldn’t trade the captivating closure of WrestleMania 10 featuring the Hart brothers. But hey, that’s just me. Over to you, what are your thoughts? Leave your ideas below!