Wardlow Pushes For Pinnacle Reunion With CM Punk As The Leader

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The Pinnacle played a key part in helping MJF get the better of CM Punk when they feuded. 

Wardlow discussed a possible reunion of the faction with CM Punk serving as the leader while speaking at Terrificon 2023 (via Fandom Spotlite). The AEW star welcomed the idea. 


“Dude, that would be so sweet, for us to all get back together and live that Pinnacle lifestyle, and just throw it all in Max’s face. Actually no, I think I’m just gonna call Pepsi Phil myself and see what he thinks about that. We all collectively love destroying MJF and his ego, so anything we can do collectively… [Host brings up Dax’s podcast] There’s mutual hatred throughout the company [laughs]. If it was a ‘We hate MJF faction,’ it would just be the entire roster.”

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