Wardlow – ‘I Can Take Out Both CM Punk And MJF’

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Speaking at a recent Terrificon 2023 panel, former TNT Champion Wardlow shared his candid opinion of CM Punk and MJF.

According to Wardlow, he could easily deal with both Punk and MJF in the ring, mentioning his previous matches with both AEW World Champions.


You can check out some highlights from the interview below:

On his personal standing compared to MJF and Punk: “I’ll start kind. Being in there with CM Punk still to this day is one of the greatest nights of my life. I have the gear that I wore in that match in a frame. That was so special. Wrestling CM Punk after he’s been out of the game for so many years, I’m coming into it thinking that’s one of those never gonna happen situations. And so for him to come back and have that opportunity is truly, truly, truly special. Now, with that said, I do find it very interesting that we have a champion in MJF, and then we have a supposed champion that never lost in CM Punk. I beat the shit out of both of those guys [laughing]. CM Punk won, but he didn’t. I won. And I demolished MJF, and I’m very confident I could beat both of them again easily.”

On reuniting The Pinnacle with Punk: “Dude, that would be so sweet. For us to all get back together and live that Pinnacle lifestyle, and just throw it all in Max’s face. Actually no, I think I’m just gonna call Pepsi Phil myself and see what he thinks about that.”

“We all collectively love destroying MJF and his ego, so anything we can do collectively… There’s mutual hatred throughout the company [laughs]. If it was a ‘We hate MJF faction,’ it would just be the entire roster.”

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