Vince Russo: Vince McMahon’s Mustache Is “Freaking Ridiculous!”

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Vince Russo hasn’t held back with his opinion on Vince McMahon and the new facial hair WWE’s Executive Chairman is sporting.

McMahon rocked his new mustache during an interview with CNBC after it was announced that Endeavor will acquire WWE in a deal to be finalized later this year.


On Sportskeeda’s “The Wrestling Outlaws,” Russo made his views on McMahon’s facial hair very clear. He said,

“The guy looks freaking ridiculous. I mean, I’m sorry, bro. Literally. This is nothing I’m saying behind his back. If I were ever to run into him, my first question would be literally like, ‘Bro, what are we doing here?’ I mean, come on, man.”

McMahon was backstage at this week’s RAW and made several changes to the show which resulted in talent morale sinking.

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