On a recent edition of the “Wrestling With Rip Rogers” podcast, ex-AEW producer Ace Steel spoke about his time playing Donald Trump on RAW in 2007. He said,
“[I got] a one-night bonus from Vince. Vince loved it. A week later, I got a call. I got hired. I was like, ‘Really?’”
The match saw Steel portray the former President to face Rosie O’Donnell, as played by then-NWA Women’s World Champion Kiley Mclean.
The match, considered one of the worst ever in WWE history, played into the real-life spat between Trump and the longtime talk show host.
Steel would win the match after throwing a cake in O’Donnell’s face and performing a diving ‘hairbutt’ from the top rope.
Ace would be released from WWE in 2008 but returned in 2019 as a Performance Center coach. He left WWE in 2022 to join AEW but was fired that same year.
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In 2007, former AEW producer Ace Steel had the unique opportunity to portray Donald Trump on an episode of RAW. This unexpected role not only earned him a one-night bonus from Vince McMahon, but it also led to a surprising turn of events in his career.
During the match, Steel faced off against Rosie O’Donnell, played by then-NWA Women’s World Champion Kiley Mclean. The match was designed to capitalize on the real-life feud between Trump and O’Donnell, making it a highly anticipated event for fans.
However, the match itself is widely regarded as one of the worst in WWE history. Despite this, Steel managed to make an impact by throwing a cake in O’Donnell’s face and executing a diving ‘hairbutt’ from the top rope, ultimately securing the victory.
Following his appearance as Trump, Steel received a call from WWE offering him a job. He was surprised and delighted by the opportunity, saying, “I got hired. I was like, ‘Really?'” Vince McMahon loved his portrayal of Trump and saw potential in Steel as a performer.
Steel went on to work for WWE until 2008 when he was released from the company. However, he made a comeback in 2019 as a coach at the WWE Performance Center. Unfortunately, his second stint with WWE was short-lived as he left the company in 2022 to join AEW.
Unfortunately, Steel’s time at AEW was also brief as he was fired later that same year. Despite these setbacks, Steel’s portrayal of Trump on RAW remains a memorable moment in his career.
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In conclusion, Ace Steel’s portrayal of Donald Trump on RAW in 2007 was a significant moment in his career. While the match itself may not have been well-received, it opened doors for Steel in the wrestling industry. His portrayal impressed Vince McMahon and led to a job offer from WWE. Although his time with WWE and AEW was short-lived, Steel’s portrayal of Trump remains a memorable part of wrestling history.