Vince McMahon Criticizes Netflix’s ‘Mr. McMahon’ Documentary in a Recent Tweet.

Vince McMahon Criticizes Netflix’s ‘Mr. McMahon’ Documentary in a Recent Tweet.
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Vince McMahon has returned to Twitter for the first time since April 3, 2023, to express his dissatisfaction with the forthcoming Netflix documentary, Mr. McMahon, which is scheduled to debut on September 25th. He offered the following critique on the film project:

“Although I took part in this Netflix documentation without any regrets, it provided a platform for the producers to render an unbiased depiction of my life and the remarkable business I built up from scratch; a journey riddled with thrill, drama, amusement, and its fair share of controversies and life lessons. Sadly, from the preliminary truncated version I viewed, I fear this documentary misses the mark. It skews towards the predictable interpretation of merging the persona of ‘Mr. McMahon’ with my actual identity, Vince. This is clearly evident from the title and promotional materials.

The creators have either misconstrued a lot or intentionally omitted several aspects, leaving viewers puzzled. They employ commonplace editing stratagems with video footage that lacks context and outdated soundbites to warp the viewers’ impression and bolster a misleading storyline.

To reinforce their skewed narrative, the filmmakers judiciously use a lawsuit centred on a past affair I terminated to insinuate that I am in reality, ‘Mr. McMahon.’

I entreat viewers to keep an open mind and uphold the fact that every story has two contrasting sides.”

How do you interpret this anticipatory defensive move from McMahon? Do you predict the documentary will take creative liberties and distort reality, or do you perceive this as Vince trying to preemptively curb the criticism? Share your opinions in the comment section below!