VIEW: Mercedes Mone Becomes Tearful – ‘On Friday, I Will Be Signing My Divorce Papers At Last’

VIEW: Mercedes Mone Becomes Tearful – ‘On Friday, I Will Be Signing My Divorce Papers At Last’
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AEW wrestler Mercedes Mone has announced that the formal process of her divorce from Sarath Ton is nearing its conclusion.

In a recently released YouTube video, Mone acknowledged that she is due to endorse her divorce papers this Friday. She revealed further that she and Ton had parted ways back in December 2020, although they chose to withhold this information from the public until now.

Below are some standout excerpts from Mercedes Mone’s video:

Speaking about endorsing her divorce papers: “So, eventually, tomorrow, after a seemingly infinite wait, I’ll be putting my signature on my divorce papers. I’m not only excited but also relieved. It’s not just about freedom, but it’s also about overcoming fear. We didn’t disclose this earlier due to the hectic pace of life and the bevy of incidents happening in the wrestling domain. I didn’t want people, especially during the time when this was unfolding, to form opinions or pass judgments. But now that I’m getting divorced, Sarath, who is now my ex-husband, I must say that our relationship has been absolutely wonderful. He’s an extraordinary guy who not only transformed but also rescued my life. So, I am thrilled and eager to declare my freedom, and state that I’m finally getting divorced.”

Talking about their past relationship: “Sarath is still responsible for my wrestling gear, and yes, we’ve moved on. We separated quite a while ago, back at the end of December 2020. He shifted out in January 2021. I was filming The Mandalorian and was also aiming to perform in the main events of WrestleMania. So, rather naturally, we decided not to publicize our split. We were concerned about the potential impact it could have on my storyline with Vince, Bianca, Carmella, and Carmella’s sommelier. Vince was very excited about the interactions between me and the sommelier, to the extent that he wanted us to be a real couple! So, Sarath and I decided to keep our separation away from public scrutiny.”

“Fast forward a year later, I still didn’t feel ready to disclose anything. So many things were happening, including a walkout. Subsequently, our effort to get divorced got delayed owing to our slow-moving attorney. But now, finally the proceedings are underway and its conclusion brings a sense of relief.”