Val Venis Shoots on Aspect road Dogg, Corrupt Boys, Molly Holly & MORE!

Val Venis Shoots on Aspect road Dogg, Corrupt Boys, Molly Holly & MORE!
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Val Venis Shoots on Aspect road Dogg, Corrupt Boys, Molly Holly & MORE!
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Interview arranged courtesy of Appalachian Championsip Wrestling
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I admire expert wrestler, on legend of they’re esteem! International very straightforward I'm precise going to provide you with a sentence a descriptor and likewise you precise expose me who top doubtless fits that description and we're going to head with funniest person within the locker room dog explicit joke or oh man brodog modified into .

Rolled as a lot as me the time that I spent with Aspect road dog he modified into the life of the locker room it wasn't any one explicit joke it modified into that he modified into constantly joking constantly discovering humor in issues that could maybe make you laugh and then you definately're wondering how the hell did he bag humor in that pillow sitting on that nook .

Couch and it modified into constant Aspect road dog modified into the man that modified into he precise bag humor in all places he modified into and he it modified into he modified into the life within the locker room as a minimum that modified into my trip with him there um Aspect road dog modified into for sure handsome at precise creating jokes out of the relaxation that modified into obtainable to him or in his glimpse or whatever or aged experiences he would elevate .

Up and set aside a fresh you realize Aspect road dog jog on that legend and everybody would bust out laughing um one other man that modified into in a different contrivance I call the king of Surprise king of one-liners modified into Dean malenko no subject where you went Dean malenko had one line that he could well spit out out of nowhere it modified into precise created in his tips he would .

Spit it out and the total room would pop so I mediate between Aspect road dog and uh and Dean malenko those are two of the funniest guys I believed were within the locker room okay um excuse me I've bought about 4 thousand of those so I'll I'll attain the sufficient ones uh remaining man standing on the bar so I modified into never for sure a bar man too powerful .

Um so I don't for sure contain hundreds of trip of who the relaxation man standing modified into clearly Ric Flair would be in that um you realize there were times where I'd be on the bar and eating dinner and my diagram is perchance sit there for an hour and then accelerate rupture out and likewise you realize I've left the bar like one within the morning had my alarms intention for 4 30 .

So I'd accelerate to the gymnasium at 5am and when I come down into the foyer of the hotel where it Flair's calm within the bar that should always contain closed by like two and he's calm at a desk with drinks calm on the desk and so Ric Flair modified into no doubt one of many fellows that is more doubtless to be the relaxation guys within the bar um .

Knobs and sags same thing in Australia all the contrivance through the Hulkamania tour there were just a few times where Godfather and I you realize we could maybe precise party and smoke ganja and accelerate to sleep and we'd be up early within the morning to head to the gymnasium you realize 5 a.m we're going to the gymnasium who's geeked out calm within the bar gobs and sags howdy guys you've been up all .

Evening yeah man we're calm right here and so Ric Flair knobs and sags yeah those those invent of fellows you recurrently peek Final Man Standing within the bar uh essentially the most handsome girl wrestler valet whatever it’s miles in staunch life foreign must you're having a survey at a complete person the personality the looks all the pieces .

I’d inform Molly Holly hmm if we're precise speaking about what my eyes peek and nothing else Trish Stratus Clarify Finance is that uh yeah smelliest wrestler oh straightforward Vader uh sufficient stooge for the grime sheets that I never knew I never knew there were times dude stuff modified into getting out .

And into the grime sheets sooner than and I'm like who that could well top doubtless come from any individual within the reduction of the curtain right here and I at all times puzzled myself I modified into at all times wondering who's doing that who’s aware of these guys you realize what I mean .

My wonderful AEW Wrestler says this plugin is terribly neat!

Val Venis Shoots on Aspect road Dogg, Corrupt Boys, Molly Holly & MORE!

Val Venis Shoots on Road Dogg, Nasty Boys, Molly Holly & MORE!