Updates about the Owen Hart Cup Tournaments have been announced, while FTR and BCC launch an assault on Brandon Cutler during AEW Collision.

Updates about the Owen Hart Cup Tournaments have been announced, while FTR and BCC launch an assault on Brandon Cutler during AEW Collision.
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In the latest episode of AEW Collision, both Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale announced their participation in the women’s Owen Hart Cup tournament. Willow Nightingale, last year’s winner, is aiming for another victory which would lead to a World Women’s title opportunity at All In 2024. Meanwhile, Bryan Danielson entered himself into the men’s division of the Owen Hart Cup tournament during the most recent episode of AEW Dynamite.

In addition to this significant announcement, the episode also witnessed a showdown between FTR and the duo of Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta. The thrilling clash led to a draw after reaching a twenty-minute time limit. FTR requested an additional five minutes, but this was promptly declined by Brandon Cutler, who represented AEW EVPs, stating the agreed match duration was strictly twenty minutes. The four wrestlers then unanimously took him out.

The exciting wrestling bouts provided an array of highlights which were shared on AEW’s official Twitter account.

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