Update on Kota Ibushi’s Injury Status

Update on Kota Ibushi’s Injury Status
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Kota Ibushi, a name well-known in the pro-wrestling circuit, has not been seen in action since his appearance at ‘New Year 2024’, a spectacular event staged by Pro Wrestling NOAH. He battled one-on-one with Naomichi Marufuji in the headline match that lasted for an enthralling 30 minutes plus.

Despite badly hurting his ankle during a signature moonsault move, Ibushi displayed incredible grit to complete the match. It later transpired that he had actually injured both ankles early in the course of the match. Following a surgical procedure to repair a fractured ankle, it’s anticipated that Ibushi will be stepping away from the ring for a timeframe of six to twelve months.

In a recent Twitter post, he detailed that his recovery journey is still ongoing at the hospital. He shared:

“Uncomfortable pain in my left ankle. My inner ankle? I wish there was a quicker healing method! I’ve traveled to multiple places. The hospital is continuing with rehabilitation. Can anyone assist me?”

His original tweet in Japanese:

— 飯伏 幸太 (@ibushi_kota) June 17, 2024