“Unique Title Styles for the World of Marigold and United National Belts Unveiled in Images, Plus Additional Updates”

“Unique Title Styles for the World of Marigold and United National Belts Unveiled in Images, Plus Additional Updates”
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Marigold wrestling promotion, guided by Rossy Ogawa, has introduced its World Championship and United National Championship belts. Correspondingly, Tokyo Sports disclosed the red title belt to be the Marigold World Championship, whereas the white title belt to be the Marigold United National Championship. The company also teased the announcement of two further titles.

The debut event of the promotion is lined up for May 20th at the Korakuen Hall. Below are the images of the new title belts:
Marigold Joshi (@Marigold_Joshi) tweeted on May 16, 2024: “Rossy Ogawa, “For a long time, when we think of women’s pro wrestling belts, we have images of red and white.We will carry on the history of women’s pro wrestling from the Showa era.” Red and White is a tradition carried on from All Japan Women’s pro wrestling.”

Additionally, it was declared on Wednesday that actor Paul Walter Hauser would be participating in MLW Battle Riot. Furthermore, in his discussion with The Wrap, he settled into a variety of subjects, such as his continuing conversation with WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley about portraying his character in a future project.

Some noteworthy points from the interview include:

On his likelihood of playing Mick Foley on screen: Hauser said that he is in active dialogue with Foley discussing the possibility of portraying him in future projects.

On being approached to play wrestlers in the past: Hauser stated that he had been approached multiple times for such roles. However, his primary concern is that there has to be a strong storyline.

On mentioning the Dudleys in his Golden Globe speech: Hauser commended the Dudleys, declaring them as a part of his “tag team Mount Rushmore.”

On the reception to his speech: Hauser expressed his gladness about people’s curiosity around his ‘Get the tables’ comment and expressed his wish to win more awards to be able to repeat the phrase on television.