Undoubtedly, I Experienced Some Controversy During My WWE Tenure, States Muhammad Hassan.

Undoubtedly, I Experienced Some Controversy During My WWE Tenure, States Muhammad Hassan.
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In a recent installment of the “Insight” podcast, Muhammad Hassan, aka Marc Copani, who was once a WWE superstar, discussed his brief spell at WWE. He discussed the complexities of negotiating envy within the wrestling fraternity, revealed potential intrigue in wrestling again, and more.

Key points of the podcast are detailed below:

When asked about potential envy or jealousy in the locker room, he said, “When I first joined, there was a definite sense of jealousy because I was the newcomer. I received considerable attention which upset some of the mid-card wrestlers. However, the top-tier guys were supportive. Things were different in the locker room back then as there were fewer rules. Yes, I did face some friction during my WWE career.”

Speaking on the end of his TV appearances as Muhammad Hassan, he shared, “There was a time when we were uncertain about the future of the character. Facing increasing pressure, we were unsure if the character would change or be pulled off TV. I remember discussing with Johnny Ace, the then head of talent relations whether to purchase a house. His advice against it made me realise the imminent change. Soon after, the character was completely pulled off TV.”

On rumours of a potential World Title run, he said, “I heard about it, but I didn’t know the source. As far as I knew, I was supposed to defeat the Undertaker with a lot of assistance and then confront Batista at SummerSlam in Washington, DC. The narrative was that the Arabian upstart defeats the hometown hero in the national capital.”

When asked about any plans to return to the ring, he declared, “Absolutely not. I don’t want to undertake the physical or travel demands. Aging has been tough enough. While I did have a couple of local matches [in 2018], it was just a pastime and I don’t plan on doing it again.”