Trish Stratus Reminisces About Her First Contract With WWE

Trish Stratus Reminisces About Her First Contract With WWE
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Former fitness model Trish Stratus commenced her journey with WWE in 2000, but prior to that, she had an interesting tale of endurance and determination. As she recently revealed on the “Inside the Ropes” podcast, her initial interactions with WWE were not instantly successful.

“I was a little disheartened, but I thought, ‘let’s wait, they might call back, so in the meantime, I should put together the best promotional package,” she shared. It was during this hiatus that she discovered where Edge was training and began to indulge in wrestling.

As Stratus recalled, “Terry Taylor happened to come across my modest promotional kit and placed it on Jim Ross’s desk, with a message – that’s Trish Stratus, if you’re not interested, we’ll have her…” When she finally got the chance to sit down with Jim Ross, she sensed his surprise when she mentioned being in training for wrestling over the past few months. Ross was stunned to learn this, given Stratus’s lack of a wrestling background, something she suspects helped her tick off an important box in the interview process.

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