Trish Stratus On Collaborating With Linda McMahon For Mistress Storyline

Trish Stratus On Collaborating With Linda McMahon For Mistress Storyline
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In the Netflix series “Mr. McMahon”, wrestling superstar Trish Stratus detailed her intriguing collaboration with Linda McMahon while playing the role of Vince McMahon’s mistress in a scripted plot. The storyline, infamous for its intensity, illustrated Linda as being bound to a wheelchair and in a state of unconsciousness.

Trish elaborated upon the situation stating, “One of my very first storylines was being paired with Vince McMahon. To be working with the boss, Mr. McMahon himself, was an incredible opportunity. Although I was excited, the idea of playing Vince’s mistress and drugging his wife wasn’t initially presented to me. I would’ve been very surprised then. The storyline merely evolved over time and we constantly brainstormed about where we could take it. Needless to say, things took intriguing twists and turns.”

Sharing his perspective, Vince revealed, “Here is the truth. In front of my wheelchair-seated wife, I kissed Trish Stratus. And the purpose behind this was to depict how contemptible my character was. The concept of despicability couldn’t have been more explicit.”

Trish then added, “We all knew very well what we were doing to fuel our storyline and Linda was absolutely cool with it. She was part of the plot. There was even a scene where I lean over and kiss Linda, which was actually her idea. She felt it would agitate so many people if I kissed her on the head.”

Linda voiced her philosophy saying, “What you must do is evoke emotion, be it anger, happiness, or even disgust when the villain crosses a line. It’s all about the emotional connection.”

Wrapping up, Vince said, “As far as I remember, nobody from our family objected to it as they knew that I was playing a character and so was Trish. It was all part of the script.”

The “Mr. McMahon” series, spanning over six hour-long episodes, examines various allegations of sexual misconduct leveled against McMahon by multiple women over the years.