Trish Stratus Discusses Her Potential Match against Tiffany Stratton and Bill Dundee’s Struggle with Dementia

Trish Stratus Discusses Her Potential Match against Tiffany Stratton and Bill Dundee’s Struggle with Dementia
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Trish Stratus has nothing but high praise for the work Tiffany Stratton is doing these days, and she’s open to a match with the former NXT Women’s Champion in the future if she’s available.

Speaking on Booker T’s “Hall of Fame” podcast, the WWE Hall of Famer opined on Stratton’s recent work, and more. She said,


“I see the same sort of things, and she said this, ‘I have to prove myself because people expect a certain something out of people who look this way.’ That’s just the way it is. I wouldn’t say Tiffany and I are the Girl Next Door, more bombshell. There is a lot of pre-judgment and pre-conceived notions about what that person or personality can deliver. For me, I thrived on knocking down those preconceived notions, that’s what drove me. ‘You think I can do this, I’m going to do this.’ I knew I had to prove myself. Even to the boys, when I first came in, I had to prove myself to the boys. I know that Tiffany has had a similar journey, just because of the way she looks and her lack of background, just like I had, I didn’t come from a traditional background or upbringing. We are both in that same predicament. Having those chances and taking those opportunities, like she did with her Extreme Rules match, taking those opportunities and seizing them. ‘This will solidify and shut those people up.’ I love what she’s doing. I’ve tackled the ten-year generational gap. Trishy Time, Tiffy Time.”

She continued, “We’ll see [on a potential match]. I’m available at certain times [laughs]. This is always my thing, every time I’ve been back, it’s about will I have fun? Will it be entertaining for the fans? Is it different for the fans? Will I do something that will help the business? Those are the boxes I need to check. Who knows. I always leave everything open. The last box is, will I be able to perform at my optimal level? If I’m sh**tier than I was before, I’m not coming.”

In other news, Memphis Wrestling legend Bill Dundee is battling dementia.

During a recent appearance on the “Story Time with Dutch Mantell” podcast, Jamie Dundee confirmed that his father is currently dealing with dementia. He said,

“[Bill] don’t know it, but he’s alright. I mean, he’s got that dementia… he just smiles all the time like that. He just sits around smiling. I’m like, where you at, man? Where you at? What are you smiling about? What are you happy for? But they say in dementia that once you get to stage 3 and then stage 4, which is the end there, but stage 3 they say once you get there you either cry all the time or you smile all the time and that’s what he does, so I’m glad he don’t just sit around crying all the time. Seen him since the last show we did with Jeff [Jarrett] and Wolfie [D] and me and him about a year and a half ago… I called him a few times, but he don’t even know it.”

He continued, “So [Bill] told [Bill’s wife] the other day… He said ‘I’m going to call Jamie.’ [Bill] said, ‘I just saw him a week ago.’ So it’s been a year and four months… and he thinks it’s a week ago. So that’s cool. But physically he’s okay right now. I think he sleeps a lot, they say.

He’s 80… October 24th, he’ll be 80. I’m going to go see him on his birthday, if he’s still around… Speaking of all the wrestlers that have passed away this year… like The Iron Sheik, Jerry Jarrett, Bushwhacker [Butch]. There’s a bunch of big, big names. [After telling Bill] Jerry Jarrett passed, it makes him sad for a second and then he forgets and then [Bill] will mention it and it’s kinda like Groundhog Day, they gotta keep telling him over and over, so they quit telling him anything like that.”

We send our best to the Dundee family.

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Trish Stratus, WWE Hall of Famer, recently expressed her admiration for Tiffany Stratton and even hinted at a potential match between the two in the future. Stratus praised Stratton’s recent work and acknowledged the challenges they both face due to preconceived notions about their appearance and background.

During an appearance on Booker T’s “Hall of Fame” podcast, Stratus discussed the similarities between herself and Stratton. She mentioned how they both had to prove themselves because people expected a certain something from individuals who look a certain way. Stratus emphasized that she thrived on knocking down those preconceived notions and proving herself to others. She commended Stratton for taking opportunities like her Extreme Rules match to solidify her abilities and shut down critics.

When asked about the possibility of a match with Stratton, Stratus expressed her openness to it. However, she mentioned that her availability and the potential for fun, entertainment, and business impact are crucial factors in her decision. Stratus also added that she would only return if she could perform at her optimal level.

In other news, Memphis Wrestling legend Bill Dundee is currently battling dementia. Jamie Dundee, Bill’s son, confirmed this during an appearance on the “Story Time with Dutch Mantell” podcast. Jamie mentioned that his father smiles all the time due to his dementia and that he is glad his father doesn’t spend his days crying. Although Bill doesn’t realize the passage of time or remember recent events, he is physically okay for now.

Jamie shared that Bill occasionally mentions wrestlers who have passed away but quickly forgets about it. He explained that they have stopped informing Bill about such news repeatedly due to his condition. Jamie plans to visit his father on his 80th birthday and expressed his sadness about the loss of several wrestling legends this year.

Our thoughts go out to the Dundee family during this difficult time.

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