Triple H announces Netflix won’t pose any censorship challenges for WWE RAW.

Triple H announces Netflix won’t pose any censorship challenges for WWE RAW.
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In a recent episode of “The Pat McAfee Show” podcast, Paul “Triple H” Levesque, who holds the role of Chief Creative Officer (CCO) at WWE, candidly discussed an array of matters, one of which was the significant shift of WWE RAW to the Netflix platform set for January 2025.

This move will mark a significant chapter in the history of RAW, as Netflix will host the program, which since its initiation in 1993, has only been available to audiences through cable TV.

Triple H presented his perspective, stating, “We devote massive portions of our daily routine, contemplating these forthcoming transitions when we are not focused on the immediate tasks at hand. As the shows transition in the fall culminates in reaching Netflix, it’s a completely different playground. This digital streaming platform raises questions on how commercial breaks will be carried out, the duration of the program, the restrictions, or absence thereof. The ability to broadcast globally and in real-time, free from restrictions imposed in the past, like sensitive crowd chants which previously necessitated deleting audio or even causing a black screen on Fox, will not be a concern on Netflix. The global reach and the live nature of the programming are milestones in their own right. The trend is leaning towards digital streaming services, with even mainstream sports institutions showing interest. Hence, our transition to Netflix can potentially spark a transformation within the industry. Other sports businesses will undoubtedly observe our manoeuvre in January keenly, interested in what changes we might implement and the reception we receive.”

As per the schedule, USA Network will be the home of RAW until the end of the current year, post which, the shift to Netflix will take place. Meanwhile, SmackDown is likely to move from FOX to the USA Network in October.