Trick Williams is ready to stake his NXT Championship in a match against Booker T.

Trick Williams is ready to stake his NXT Championship in a match against Booker T.
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Trick Williams, the WWE NXT World Champion, greatly attributes his larger-than-life portrayal, in part, to on-the-spot performances by Booker T during his entrances on WWE NXT TV broadcasts.

While being recently interviewed on ‘The Masked Man Show,’ Williams was questioned about potentially squaring off against Booker T in the future. To this, Williams responded, “I’ve previously proposed to Booker, ‘Can we have a go just once?’ He’s still got it. His gym workouts are a constant. His stamina remains unscathed. Ultimately, the choice is his. If we can organize it, I’m all in. Happily, I’ll even put my title at stake.”

Booker T, even as he nears the age of 60, continues to be a significant figure in the wrestling world. By training future prospects at his Reality of Wrestling academy and engaging in occasional wrestling encounters, he illustrates his ongoing commitment to the sport.