Trey Miguel On His Opportunity At Slammiversary, Debunking The Myth Of The ‘Heavyweight’ Championship

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Trey Miguel On His Opportunity At Slammiversary, Debunking The Myth Of The ‘Heavyweight’ Championship

Trey Miguel

Trey Miguel is all ready for his IMPACT World Championship match tonight at Slammiversary. Miguel spoke with WrestleZone’s Bill Pritchard earlier in the week to discuss that very title shot.

“I do have to stay on top of things and be prepared for what lies ahead and that is the main event for Slammiversary which I mean if you think about a year ago I wasn’t even scheduled to be on Slammiversary and now I’m main-eventing it so it’s crazy to think about.”

Miguel goes into more detail of the match and talks about how one thing he’s sure of is the fact that Ace Austin won’t win the title. He also says he wants to take the “Heavyweight” aspect out of the equation. Pritchard noted that there’s often a negative connotation when it comes to smaller wrestlers contending for the top title, and Trey agreed, noting that Chris Sabin was proof that it wasn’t only a big man’s world, and he’s focused heading into the PPV.

“If you would have asked me back in January where I’d be, I would have said X Division Champion, and I’m not even competing for that championship anymore. To be doing this with Ace, it’s kind of like ‘Groundhog Day’ but if the X Division Championship wasn’t enough to make me tear his head off, you can bet the World Championship is. With Eddie Edwards being in the match, Eddie has beef with Ace in a way that supersedes my beef with him. I think if anyone isn’t walking out with the title, it’s Ace with the way he’s—no pun intended—stacked the deck against himself.

“I’m not blind to social media and some of the things people say about me. ‘How is this guy that’s 150 pounds, how can he be the face of the company? How can he be the face of the company or in contention for the title?’ You’re right—it does have that kind of that stigma that you have to be a bigger guy, you have to be a heavyweight, but that isn’t the case. I finally remembered one of my favorite wrestlers in TNA history, Chris Sabin being the World Champion and that’s kind of been my biggest motivation on keeping my head screwed straight and kind of drowning out the empty cans because they always bang the loudest and so that way I can into this focus and clear-headed as I need to be.”

You can watch the video below: