Trademark applications for ‘Lex Luger’ and ‘The Total Package’ have been submitted by Lex Luger.

Trademark applications for ‘Lex Luger’ and ‘The Total Package’ have been submitted by Lex Luger.
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On the date of June 25, the individual widely recognized by his wrestling name Lex Luger, with the original name Larry Pfohl, set forth new registration requests for a series of trademarks which include “Lex Luger,” “The Total Package,” along with “Total Package 2.0.”

Detailed information about the newly applied trademarks can be found as follows:

“Entertainment services revolving around wrestling competitions; Showcasing exhibitions and actuations delivered by a professional wrestler and entertainer; Entertainment opportunities which include live appearances performed by a professional wrestler and sports entertainer; Public appearances rendered by a professional wrestler and sports entertainer for entertainment purposes; Televised appearances by a professional wrestler and sports entertainer; Supplying news and data relating to wrestling through a global computer network; Offering online interviews highlighting a personality from the professional wrestling and sports entertainment domain, these occur in the arena of professional wrestling and sports entertainment for the sake of entertainment.

In the clothing market, these trademarks encompass items like hats; t-shirts; socks; bandanas; both shirts and short-sleeved shirts; sweatshirts, both regular and hooded.”