Top Dolla Recalls Transitioning From NFL To WWE

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Top Dolla was an NFL player prior to his transition to professional wrestling, and he recently reflected on his career change in an interview with the “Good Brother Gaming” podcast.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:


On making the transition from football to wrestling: “I was still a free agent in the NFL in 2018, and I was working to get back in the NFL. My buddy throws this crazy Halloween party and he has like wrestling matches at it, and he was like, ‘Yo, just come be in it’… I’m like in a Battle Royal, and they put me over and I win the Battle Royal.”

On getting his WWE tryout: “So I go to Team 3D Academy, train with the Dudley Boyz. While I’m there, I actually get a call from the Browns and the Raiders… Not even six months, five months later I get a tryout at WWE. Kill the tryout, six months after that they sign me.”

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