Tony Schiavone Proclaims Billy Gunn as His Top Pick – ‘We Require More Individuals Like Billy Gunn’

Tony Schiavone Proclaims Billy Gunn as His Top Pick – ‘We Require More Individuals Like Billy Gunn’
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Tony Schiavone, renowned AEW broadcaster, has offered high praises for his collegue Billy Gunn, expressing that he is one of his favorite collborators in the industry.

In an episode of his podcast, “What Happened When,” Shiavone highlighted the admirable qualities that Gunn exhibits. He emphasized that Gunn possess qualities of integrity and character which are sublime examples of what the wrestling industry should aim to propagate.

During his discussion, Schiavone stated, “Billy Gunn genuinely ranks as one of my favorite persons. I have told Billy this in the past and we shared a hearty laugh over it on this podcast. To quote myself, I said ‘If I were to run a wrestling company, I would want you to be a part of it, not just because of your physical attributes and commanding presence, but also due to your direct honesty with me, something which isn’t the norm in this industry.’ We need more people like Billy Gunn in the wrestling world.”

Gunn has been a vital part of The Acclaimed, with whom he won the AEW Trios Championships, maintaining their association until April this year.

The link below directs you to an episode of “What Happened When with Tony Schiavone,” providing more insight and dicussion around the topic. [embedded content]