Tony Schiavone Ponders Whether Vince McMahon Might Make a Comeback to Wrestling

Tony Schiavone Ponders Whether Vince McMahon Might Make a Comeback to Wrestling
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In the latest episode of his “What Happened When” podcast, Tony Schiavone, commentator for AEW, has shared his thoughts about Vince McMahon, the legendary wrestling promoter, possibly coming back to the wrestling arena.

The speculation has sparked following McMahon’s recent stepping down as the Executive Chairman of the TKO Board. His renunciation transpired amid a legal battle instigated by ex-WWE wrestler Janel Grant, who has lodged charges of sexual assault and trafficking against him.

During the podcast, Schiavone frankly expressed his perspective, maintaining, “If he was in his 50s, maybe. I know you [Conrad] surmise we will. Certainly, ego can steer people. But if I’m Vince McMahon’s age…what is it now? 75? 76? As a multi-billionaire, why the devil would I wish to tread that path again? Cherish the remaining years of your life. I guess if your ego dictates you to work, or to be engaged, perhaps your later years could be spent working. But that’s not for me, mate.”

Referring to the ongoing lawsuit about McMahon, it’s important to mention that Grant has chosen to hold off temporarily on her legal actions against the 78-year-old McMahon, WWE, and previous WWE executive John Laurinaitis, pending the completion of a confidential federal probe. McMahon is also under scrutiny in relation to the same federal investigation concerning the accusations.