During an episode of his podcast “What Happened When”, Tony Schiavone, known for his broadcasting work with AEW, delved into the importance of the United States Title within the context of Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling.
Here are some key points extracted from that podcast episode:
Speaking about his immediate association when it comes to the United States Title, Schiavone said, “Whenever I see the United States Title, I immediately think of Black Jack Mulligan. That can be attributed to my enthusiasm as a fan. And then of course, there’s [Lex] Luger who was the US champion. Not to mention, Barry Windham, Ric Flair, Wahoo McDaniel, Greg Valentine and countless others who held the US Champions title.”
Touching upon the value and prestige of the US Title to him personally, Schiavone explained, “The US title holds a special place in my heart as a fan because during the times of territory wrestling, world champions like Harley Race didn’t defend their championship title in Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. As a result, the US Title was, in effect, the highest title in Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling at the time. This made it more prestigious within the territories compared to WCW, where it was subordinate to the world champion title which was regularly showcased.”
The podcast episode is available for viewing online with interesting discussions and anecdotes from the world of wrestling.