Tony Schiavone Lavishes Praise On Darby Allin’s Work Ethic

Tony Schiavone Lavishes Praise On Darby Allin’s Work Ethic
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In a recent installment of his podcast “What Happened When”, Tony Schiavone, well-recognized in the wrestling industry and currently providing commentary for AEW, heaped lauds on Darby Allin. Schiavone went on record appreciating Allin’s unwavering determination and unparalleled work ethic.

Here are some noteworthy takeaways from the podcast discussion:

Speaking about Darby Allin, Schiavone said, “Darby Allin, in my view, encapsulates everything a young man can aspire to be. You might be led to question – is he encouraging the youth to paint their faces, get tattoos or skateboard? Definitely not! What I’m driving at is that Allin’s effort, dedication, and sacrifice for the organization are commendable. His work ethic is truly inspirational. There is indeed no one quite like him in the industry, and I’ve seen it firsthand. I truly admire and respect Darby Allin.”

Discussing his aspiration for other wrestlers to follow Allin’s path, Schiavone stated, “Without targeting any specific wrestler, I genuinely wish they all inculcate Allin’s work ethics, relentless determination, and ceaseless desire to improve themselves and uplift our promotion. Allin, undoubtedly, is a precious asset to our organization. I delight in every match he plays, primarily because of the ferocious intensity he brings – although it sometimes scares me. His character and his commitment towards his work sets him apart. Darby Allin is genuinely remarkable.”

And for those interested in contributing podcast recaps or news suggestions, Schiavone encourages direct submissions via his email, [email protected], ensuring complete credit fairness.

Watch the entire conversation on the episode of “What Happened When with Tony Schiavone” linked below:

[Video link]

Please note that all quotes are provided verbatim to maintain authenticity.