Tony Khan is eager for CIMA, T-Hawk, and El Lindaman to make a comeback in AEW.

Tony Khan is eager for CIMA, T-Hawk, and El Lindaman to make a comeback in AEW.
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AEW President Tony Khan recently revealed during a conversation with Q101 that he is open to considering the reintegration of CIMA, T-Hawk, and El Lindaman into the organization at a later date. These three wrestlers were part of the company’s early days but have not made any appearances since February 2020.

When asked about the potential return of these employees, Khan expressed his enthusiasm, stating “At some point, I would love to have CIMA back, and I would love to have the Strong Hearts back. T-Hawk and Lindaman were excellent. I think those guys did a fantastic job. It’s great to hear that there’s interest to see the Strong Hearts back in AEW, and I would not be opposed to that at all. I think it’s great. I would love to see the Strong Hearts and the Dark Order pick up because believe me, it’s not something we’ve closed the book on. Just like nobody knows when Shaquille O’Neal left the ambulance, it remains to be seen, my friend. It’s a great question, but that chapter’s still open. You never know. Sooner or later, I look forward to maybe answering it for you.”

Thus, it is evident that the possible return of the wrestlers is still a topic of open discussion within AEW.