Tony Khan Aids Mercedes Mone During Family Crisis, Unfolds Heartwarming Tale

Tony Khan Aids Mercedes Mone During Family Crisis, Unfolds Heartwarming Tale
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In a recent newsletter, Mercedes Mone shared that her brother, Joshua, had a medical emergency just hours before she was scheduled to step into the ring with Zeuxis at AEW Dynamite. She also revealed some behind-the-scenes help she received from a high-ranking company official.

The AEW President, Tony Khan, extended his hand in support by offering to fly Mone back to Orlando on his personal aircraft. Mercedes shared the emotional moment in her own words, stating,

“Encountering my family was an unexpected delight, however, an additional providence struck as I dialed Tony Khan to apprise him of the ongoing predicament. Tony effortlessly agreed to lend a hand. He flew me back to Jacksonville on his jet and specifically made a detour to Orlando. Frankly speaking, as I pen this down, I am overwhelmed with joy and appreciation. I am fortunate and pleased to be a part of an organization like AEW under the leadership of someone who prioritizes ‘family first’.”

These words not only show gratitude but also the sense of community within the AEW backstage. Mone’s moving words have only added to Khan’s reputation as a caring leader.