Tommy Prosperous Shoots on Homosexual Relationship with Jim Barnett and Extra Rumors

Tommy Prosperous Shoots on Homosexual Relationship with Jim Barnett and Extra Rumors
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That is one love merchandise! Sergey from russia okay i know that sounds tiresome and all that but i noticed someplace a list of urban myths of accurate wrestling and about a of them are connected to you so great observation on them or occupy a good time okay let's play here’s known as the headline game we undergo the the wrestling .

Headlines here’s a list of rumors within the industry that namely involve great you so that chances are you’ll say shapely now not shapely what ought to you know the set up the way it started or who started the rumor or ought to you ever learn it earlier than all shapely the first one tommy prosperous soaks his balls in a beer mug stuffed with .

Hydrogen peroxide i deliver to assuming that it would possibly maybe maybe presumably match the hair that's blah shapely there never took place never dropped your balls and peroxide that would possibly maybe presumably wound love hell um tommy my balls wouldn't set up no glass anyway effectively they acknowledged a beer mug effectively my balls wouldn't fit no beer mug .

A vat um tommy prosperous did some favors for jim barnett in trade for the nwa world title you enact hear that toddle i did i always modified into as soon as there and that i always did my job great love i modified into as soon as presupposed to i never kissed nobody's ass in this industry why does that originate is it a amount of workers that derive jealous .

That will presumably that originate a rumor about you know somebody sucking somebody's dick or or being a having some form of connection or something is it great a amount of workers stuff that did i imply you had about a guys it modified into as soon as jealous you know but but uh you know mr barnett utterly man i've labored for in my life i .

Labored for cup promoters uh and but bar none mr barnett modified into as soon as the utterly and never set up you in a compromising space in any capacity never seen him set up anyone in a compromising space i've heard tales about him and to every his have .

Admire his goofball here to quiz about the balls with the peroxide he doubtlessly bought his have balls within the peroxide effectively i don't mediate he he he heard it sergey from russia i don't mediate he started the rumor in equity to the russians you know we want to be aloof to the russians in this nick-off date .

Correct thru the eight but every other rumor for the length of the 80s when tommy prosperous modified into as soon as to wrestle a display in parkersburg west virginia he made up our minds to skip the display after already taking the cash he modified into as soon as caught and stopped by the police and arrested for having pot on him they dropped the costs alternatively he wasn't allowed support within the .

He says nation but i mediate he formula county effectively that's form of shapely and that's form of false okay what precisely took place is these boys booked some just reveals me and unhealthy doug gilbert modified into as soon as collectively we wrested huntington west virginia the first night .

There modified into as soon as about 900 of us there the ring didn't display up so we set up wrestling mats on the ground and we met wrestled bought to our match i grabbed a headlock on the baby i acknowledged shoot me off one address give way derive it but again he acknowledged what anyway i had him shoot me off i speed love i hit that rope strategy off and give him a .

Big address and that friggin constructing went loopy went loopy but the next night we wrestled in sistersville west virginia and uh we derive there effectively the fellows that speed the display tonight 48 there but there's a jc guy there so and .

If i pressure this some distance i imply i deserve to receives a payment we strategy from tennessee you know see anyone i thought the actual person wished cash i thought of the crap closing night anyway i ought to present some cash mediate nothing about it i set up my boots on on the purpose of signal some autograph jimmy golden robert fuller one jimmy .

Golden would possibly maybe presumably acknowledged the display's been cancelled thinking nothing about it we great hold within the market a minute what nothing ever acknowledged derive our stuff derive within the automotive and leave you down the boulevard police pulls us over and uh what had took place though the actual person to jc's .

Uh billy bob you know the billy bob display mm-hmm the radio display billy bob billy billy bob they made enjoyable of of us dumbest criminals me and doug gilbert modified into as soon as the field's most dumbest criminal that guy acknowledged the set up's bobby clyde acknowledged acknowledged i stole his cash doug held him at gunpoint and none of us .

Had a gun we great i imply we had the cash he paid us and we lived anyway we needed to will we needed to enact a weekend in jail and sister bill modified into as soon as anyway they bring the and doug gilbert they've never been in no distress and here’s love mayberry rfd jail you perceive it's a .

Precise battle of jail and uh so anyway they known as they acknowledged the express trooper acknowledged tommy strategy here they wouldn't let doug scamper doug didn't know what modified into as soon as up i strategy in but what they did they confirmed me love my rap shooting dogs doug modified into as soon as love here miles love capacity down here you know they .

Said enact you pick to wish to label the route i acknowledged effectively hell they acknowledged i acknowledged yeah don't thoughts so long as we're going to derive out of here what modified into as soon as the cost pot he acknowledged working out on the display modified into as soon as the cost yeah no i had some weight oh i bought charged for that time effectively yeah that's okay oh it's moderately of .

Bit molly says derive out with your fingers up oh you like this you set on a fanny pack no oh what am i pronouncing that's a 64 365 days feeble damaged down shapely yeah eric does anyway anyway i bought my fanny pack on i had within the very support had moderately of hiding express moderately of zipper .

So anyway they scamper all around the automotive they’ll't safe no gun can't safe nothing and and that i throw my ranking up under the seat acknowledged blaze acknowledged would possibly maybe presumably you assist this ranking up so i acknowledged toddle sir so that tiny zip i assist my zipper i did that second zipper then i spun it around proper .

Instant so i wouldn't wish to enact that ranking zipper he acknowledged no no i imply undo that zipper see anyway the meals market modified into as soon as at the jail modified into as soon as shapely there so they carried us to that jail deem modified into as soon as getting off at hour of darkness she acknowledged the capacity you done i acknowledged we are able to also now not i feel about on legend of i don't .

Know what she's gonna enact anyway she great fined me then they carried us 45 minutes support to sistersville west virginia we spent the week in there oh yeah it modified into as soon as a fascico all shapely but every other rumor missy hyatt writes in her e-book that as soon as she modified into as soon as 16 she met tommy prosperous she modified into as soon as a virgin even orally .

But jumped at the probability to blow him so he took her to the display and she or he blew him on the capacity she didn't swallow so mighty he venerable a towel he urged her to retain it as a keepsake she laughed but didn't assist it after they bought to the enviornment he asked her to strategy in for a minute she met larry and went down on larry land for a meal .

That night too must occupy great been hungry for the industry that's very poetic the capacity that modified into as soon as written it modified into as soon as very terrible sounding to me i don't know nothing about no missy no strategy on now you'd be the one she didn't blow .

Smartly that's doubtlessly shapely all shapely so we're going no on the missy anecdote i don't know i'm now not about to leave out that you just know who she is surely yeah daddy ellen's horrid shapely strategy on now strategy on now i know she is i heard you've been alongside with her too acknowledged you'd be the one guy that wasn't .

No for the file missy and that i are chums tommy prosperous and doug gilbert bladed for the length of a match with pg-13 in memphis eric sims eye at his lips um tommy prosperous and doug gilbert bladed for the length of a match with pg-13 in memphis and were making ready for the submit-match interview prosperous .

Freaked out when gilbert wasn't as bloody as him so he wiped his have blood onto gilbert's wounded forehead that's a actually long time ago but i could maybe presumably see that occuring yeah that's no colossal deal i don't mediate all shapely very factual we set up some rumors to leisure there expectantly i don't place confidence in you for one minute about the missy hyatt .

William ridge casey there's a myth going around that at one of ian immoral reveals for the length of the national anthem tommy caught his dick out thru the locker room curtain i'm uncommon if there modified into as soon as any fact to the anecdote if so why he did it and with the controversy going around .

Concerning the national anthem only within the near previous would tommy enact it but again this present day that can were seen as the first develop of scream of the national anthem colin kaepernick great gets down on his knee effectively i modified into as soon as making an strive to stick kept me from getting down there that's it factual for you huh .

I don't know i will't relate i didn't enact that but i will't relate i did either i'm gonna done fifth on that that don't sound love nothing i enact my mama beat the hell out of me she knew that modified into as soon as on there perchance a couple too many cocktails that ain't bought nothing to enact with it utterly time i pulled mine out when .

Any individual wished it shapely uncle sam yeah i deliver
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Tommy Prosperous Shoots on Homosexual Relationship with Jim Barnett and Extra Rumors

Tommy Rich Shoots on Homosexual Relationship with Jim Barnett and More Rumors