Tommy Dreamer Says MJF Wouldn’t Survive In Old School WWE, Trinity Cried After Impact Debut

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On a recent edition of the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, Tommy Dreamer explained why he believes MJF wouldn’t survive in the 1980 or 1990s WWE.

According to Dreamer, MJF showing vulnerability on television wouldn’t have worked out in his favor. He said,


MJF — I don’t think he could have handled being in the WWE now. He talks about the issues that he has, mentally … that, back then, would have eaten him up. It’s the perfect storm for him where he’s at [in AEW]. But again, MJF is a total [example of] not where the rules apply, but to get to where they went, yes. If the end result is heat, there’s ways to go about it — if you wanna have that nice little dip, awesome. You did it, you accomplished it, but you don’t need it that way, because, later on when you’re trying to get over the nut shot … [it may backfire]. He’s one of those guys who is against the rules, but when you do that, it’s easier for you [to thrive in a place like AEW].”

Trinity made her in-ring debut for Impact Wrestling on the May 18th episode of IMPACT! on AXS TV earlier this year, defeating KiLynn King in singles action.

In a recent interview with Sportskeeda, Trinity revealed that she cried tears of joy following her Impact debut. She said,

KiLynn King. I had my debut match in IMPACT with her, and I just felt like that was so special and magical. I was so nervous and so scared after being off a year and having shoulder surgery. There was so much doubt within myself. But when I got in there with her, it was easy, and it was fun. I was like, ‘Wow. This is what it’s supposed to be and feel like.’ I cried after that match because it felt so good, and that’s how wrestling should feel. I was very happy that I had her as my opponent on my return. I’m super grateful and super happy. It’s been such a journey, this last year or year and a half for me now. But I’m super happy. I can’t complain. I’m grateful for this platform and IMPACT giving me the space and opportunity to continue on with my wrestling journey and to kind of reestablish myself after all that had been said and all that had happened. So I’ll forever be grateful for that, and I’m having the time of my life right now.”

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