Tommy Dreamer Praises Jon Moxley’s Brutal Spiked Bat Spot – ‘Sick-Ass Hardcore!’

Tommy Dreamer Praises Jon Moxley’s Brutal Spiked Bat Spot – ‘Sick-Ass Hardcore!’
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Numerous fans expressed their disapproval of Jon Moxley being hurled onto a spiked bat during the recent AEW Dynamite episode. However, the bloody and harsh bout didn’t seem to repel everyone.

In a current iteration of the “Busted Open After Dark” podcast, ECW idol Tommy Dreamer gave his assessment of the AEW World Title Street Fight with Jon Moxley and Cope on the preceding week’s AEW Dynamite episode.

The showdown included numerous intervention instances, with Wheeler Yuta, PAC, and Claudio Castagnoli aiding Moxley in reclaiming the advantage after Cope threw him onto a spike, causing it to penetrate his back.

Dreamer commended the match and Moxley’s performance, specifically during the debatable spiked bat sequence.

Here are some remarkable instances from this podcast:

Discussing Jon Moxley’s performance: “His skill at selling the match was incredible. Their false endings had me hooked every time. When I say I would like ref pulls or ref bumps, I was thinking ‘1-2 [ref pull].’ Kickouts are interesting, but if it’s a ref pull, with all the other participants stepping in…it continued to work, and the match was excellent. It was an exceptional hardcore match.”

Regarding the scene with the spiked bat: “It was an intensely brutal match that once more escalated the violence to a higher level. We witnessed a man essentially being thrown onto a bed of nails. That isn’t really a trick, it’s more like ‘Hey, you’re going to get pierced. You’re going to endure harm. Let’s see where this leads us.’”