‘TNA Wrestling is currently experiencing a surge in popularity’, states Matt Hardy.

‘TNA Wrestling is currently experiencing a surge in popularity’, states Matt Hardy.
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During a recent episode of his podcast “Extreme Life”, seasoned TNA wrestler Matt Hardy deliberated over the state of TNA Wrestling, the components lending to its achievement, and other diverse topics.

Below are some notable points from the podcast:

Regarding the current situation of TNA, following substantial audience turnout for Victory Road, Hardy remarked, “TNA is something we take great pride in. At present, TNA is highly popular. They’ve got quite a bit of hype going on, and they’re eager to accumulate momentum. We have Spartanburg anticipated for the coming weekend, where we are scheduling four weeks of TNA Impact tapings. These are the final weeks leading up to Bound for Glory. We expect to announce the match for Bound for Glory shortly, which is something we are fervently looking forward to. We believe this to be an enormously significant event, and we’re excited to see the cool stuff that’s about to happen.”

In terms of TNA’s progression catalyzed by its affiliation with WWE and the success of Joe Hendry, Hardy added, “Ultimately, what we’ve been implementing and TNA’s increasing momentum, owe a lot to Joe Henry’s exceptional popularity, making him an internet sensation in the pro wrestling scenario right now. Our collaborative dealings with NXT/WWE have also been remarkably successful in this respect. Having the Hardys contribute significantly to this venture, along with Tommy Dreamer’s exceptional role in spearheading the booking aspect, augments the advantages. Tommy seems to comprehend us thoroughly, understand our dynamics, and the distinct roles that Jeff and I play. He is aware of my style of public speaking and the kind of discourse I would resort to during a promo. He knows Jeff well and understands how he would respond in a promo, and his general persona. I believe this offers us considerable support. So far, everything’s been progressing splendidly.”

You can watch this episode of “Extreme Life” by Matt Hardy below.

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