TJ Wilson recently made an appearance on the “Counted Out” podcast, during which he looked back on the 2011 men’s Royal Rumble match. He remembered receiving back-to-back Attitude Adjustments from John Cena and Hornswoggle.
Wilson stated, “I really enjoyed it. Hornswoggle has mentioned this in his book. When the scenario was portrayed to me, I was fully on board. Even though I didn’t stand a chance to win the Rumble or become an Iron Man, I desired to create a moment if I didn’t last for around 30 minutes. It was rather up to me, Cena, and Swoggle to make it happen. I don’t recall if it was John or Swoggle who inquired whether I would be okay if Swoggle performed the AA on me as well. Of course, I agreed.”
The athlete continued, “Little do you all realize that my aim was to amplify the impact of Swoggle’s AA more than Cena’s AA. This was important to validate the act. If Cena had already executed his AA, Swoggle’s AA should inflict more injury. It was a fantastic and memorable moment. Swoggle greatly appreciated this act and praised me generously in his book. He appreciated how thrilled I was for him and that I was always ready to try new things. I never let my ego come in the way, especially when working with my friend Honswoggle and the company’s biggest star, John Cena”
Over the same weekend, Chavo Guerrero announced via his Instagram that he visited a commemorative mural of the Guerrero family in El Paso, Texas. He was moved by his first visit to the mural, as he acknowledged in his post,
“This weekend, I was in El Paso, my hometown, and I made the decision to visit the Guerrero Family mural Tribute. My first visit to the site was quite emotional. A big thank you to El Paso! It will forever be known as the home of The Guerreros. Proud of El Paso! Guerrero strength!”
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