Thunder Rosa Praises Bryan Danielson, Ricochet Recalls Feeling Stuck In WWE

Thunder Rosa Praises Bryan Danielson, Ricochet Recalls Feeling Stuck In WWE
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In a recent episode of “Busted Open Radio” podcast, former AEW Women’s World Champion Thunder Rosa spoke highly of current AEW World Champion Bryan Danielson’s leadership skills in the locker room.

She highlighted Danielson’s approachable and level-headed disposition, saying, “He certainly maintains an unwavering calm demeanor. He’s got a good sound mind. He’s always ready to step up to leadership roles, even when others may shy away.” Thunder Rosa highlighted that Bryan makes tough decisions, but isn’t one to upset others in the process.

She further emphasized the importance of having leaders like Danielson in the locker room, adding, “Having someone that you can approach with your questions is vital. Bryan has been remarkable in helping out talents who need additional guidance or training because of his extensive knowledge. It’s really instrumental having someone like him there.”

On another front, in a recent “Talk is Jericho” podcast, WWE Superstar Ricochet expressed his feelings of stagnation in his career at WWE.

Discussing the changes in WWE’s management and feeling typecast, Ricochet said, “My career trajectory changed from my NXT days to the main roster when Paul Heyman handled creative direction. I was contenders with Samoa Joe and Randy Orton to name a few, and even held the US title. But then things changed, and I felt pigeonholed.”

On the topic of having to elevate others in WWE, he noted, “I think I belong in the group of wrestlers who are known to make their opponents look better — it’s not meant to undermine anyone. It’s just a specific skill some of us possess. It can be both a blessing and a curse. That being said, I accept it, but it’s not the role I aspire for.”

Regarding whether he thinks he could’ve done something differently in AEW, he confessed, “To be honest, I don’t know. You put forth your ideas, you advocate for yourself and do what you think is best. But the efforts I made, the ideas I suggested, or the promos I put out, they didn’t seem to resonate enough with the higher-ups.”