‘Thunder Rosa once shared how Rey Mysterio initially introduced himself to her with the words, ‘Hello, I’m Oscar!’

‘Thunder Rosa once shared how Rey Mysterio initially introduced himself to her with the words, ‘Hello, I’m Oscar!’
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In a flashback to 2015, Thunder Rosa recounts her thrilling encounter with Rey Mysterio for the first time.

During a recent episode of Maria Menounos’ “Heal Squad” podcast, Rosa shares her experience of crossing paths with the WWE Hall of Famer Mysterio at a Lucha Underground tapping session at Los Angeles.

“The moment I bumped into him, he was actually not wearing his trademark mask, and he greeted me by introducing himself as ‘Hi, I’m Oscar.’ I just said ‘Hi, nice to meet you,’ and just after a few seconds, I realized it was ‘Rey Mysterio!’ To which he replied with a chuckle, ‘Yeah, that’s me.’”

Rosa further elaborated, “He displayed such grace and watching him was simply amazing right from his flawless choreography, perfect timing, and everything about him. It felt surreal, almost like standing on hallowed ground in front of greatness. It was an epic experience for me not just as a performer, but also in my wrestling career. Their relentless drive and the sheer perfectionism of some of these people I worked with inspired me to outdo myself, to go beyond, and to really get a head start on almost everything else I was going to do in my life.”

[The podcast featuring Thunder Rosa discussing her career along with this memorable interaction can be viewed below.]

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