Thunder Rosa On Her Recovery – ‘It’s Going Pretty Well’

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Thunder Rosa has provided an update on her back injury that has kept her out of in-ring action for the better part of a year.

Speaking during a recent interview with NBC Chicago, the former AEW Women’s Champion commented on a variety of topics, including how her recovery is going and her thoughts on the debut episode of AEW Collision this Saturday night.


You can check out some highlights from the interview below:

On how her recovery is going: “It’s going pretty well. Things are going as they’re supposed to go. I am super happy that I’ve been pain-free. That was the most important part. I think it took forever. I think everybody’s expecting me to give them news, but I am working out every day, trying to get back into the ring as soon as possible, and if it’s possible. That’s what I’m trying to do.”

On what AEW Collision means for her career: “That’s a great question. I’m just open for anything that can happen in my career. I’ve always said after the injury that I suffered and reflecting on everything that has happened in the last nine, almost ten months, I’m really open for anything. I’ve discovered many facets of my career, such as being a commentator, such as being a radio host, a singer, a vlogger, always creating something new. For professional wrestling, I don’t think [it] will be any different. I will be happy no matter what happens for my career. I think it is important to live in the moment and now with Collision and with this opportunity that AEW has given to many people I can mention that will be there, Miro, FTR, MJF, and all others, I think it’s gonna be a lot of fun. It’s gonna be different, and we’re all excited to see new beginnings and new starts on a new show.”

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