Thunder Rosa is appreciative of The Wyatt Six’s inaugural performance on RAW.

Thunder Rosa is appreciative of The Wyatt Six’s inaugural performance on RAW.
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The revamped version of The Wyatt Family, now known as The Wyatt Sicks, made their much-anticipated debut on WWE RAW last week. The new lineup features Bo Dallas as Uncle Howdy, Nikki Cross as Sister Abigail, Dexter Lumis as Mercy the Buzzard, Joe Gacy as Huskus the Pig Boy, and Erick Rowan reprising the role of Rambling Rabbit.

On a recent episode of “Busted Open Radio” podcast, AEW wrestler Thunder Rosa commented on the unveiling of The Wyatt Sicks, she said,

Nikki Cross has made her return…[and] the mask is incredibly spooky. I absolutely loved the way the group was introduced — it felt like being in a horror house, especially those three rooms they showcased. It was excellently synchronized. Anticipation was built tremendously well, thanks to the efficient teasing. I’m eager to understand their end motive. One aspect that regularly poses a challenge is maintaining the fear factor of a character in the ring. For instance, Uncle Howdy’s match in San Antonio during the 2023 Royal Rumble failed to do that, making it a bit of a letdown. Trying to piece it all together now.”

Last Monday, The Wyatt Sicks left their mark by executing a set of violent attacks. As of now, their future victims remain unknown.

Throughout the podcast, Rosa manifested her disappointment over not being included in the women’s Owen Hart Cup tournament. The previous holder of AEW Women’s World Champion title decided to figure out her own path to AEW All In 2024. Rosa said,

It is additionally frustrating that I checked the match card for [‘Dynamite’] this Wednesday featuring the Owen Hart Cup, and my name was missing. I thought ‘Alright, fine.’ But then I spotted her name…Not only did she beat me on Saturday, she also replaced me. However, that’s alright…I don’t need the validation of a tournament to prove my worth. I’m committed to making it to Wembley, with or without the tournament. I don’t need to secure yet another opportunity for the Women’s World Title through a tournament, because I’m confident in my abilities to do it without any tournament. I consider myself beyond that.”