Thoughts On Netflix’s Mr. McMahon Doc? | Question Of The Day

Thoughts On Netflix’s Mr. McMahon Doc? | Question Of The Day
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Thanks for joining us on yet another exhilarating Question of the Day here at eWrestlingNews!

You might have had the chance to catch the Netflix documentary on Mr. McMahon, as all the episodes have been released. So for today, I’m asking this straightforward question: “What’s your take on the documentary? If you haven’t seen it, any reason why not?”

Can’t wait to hear your thoughts, make sure to comment below.

My Take…

As I’m penning this down, I’ve just managed to watch about one and a half episodes of it. I was ambitious about binging the whole series as fast as I could, but life managed to get in the way. I did enjoy it, but it has not astounded me in a manner that compels me to put everything else aside in favor of watching the rest.

But please understand, the documentary isn’t bad. I’m still intrigued enough to continue watching and see what it has in store. But up until now, it hasn’t really wowed me with fresh insights. I may not be a wrestling historian, but I am familiar with the base storylines and thus far, much of the content has been a reiteration of previously known facts. The number of times I can hear about Vince McMahon betting everything on WrestleMania or the hype around Andre the Giant versus Hulk Hogan is limited.

However, there are moments that caused a chuckle or managed to grab my attention, and most importantly, I’ve been having a good time watching it with my better half. Watching through her fresh gaze brings another layer of intrigue to the table. It’s clear from her appalled reaction to the matters presented that she’s learning a whole new version of wrestling history – which perhaps is what Netflix intended with this documentary.

Clearly, this is not targeted towards seasoned wrestling enthusiasts who would be familiar with the stories. It’s aiming to cater to a more casual audience, or ones completely oblivious to this world. And, despite some romanticized occurrences, it seems to be doing a pretty good job at that.

While not being the riveting piece I had expected, it’s turning out to be a worthwhile series to watch. So far, at least.

What about you? Share your thoughts below!