There is a potential for John Nord, also known as The Berzerker, to experience a leg amputation.

There is a potential for John Nord, also known as The Berzerker, to experience a leg amputation.
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A fundraiser has been initiated on GoFundMe to assist former professional wrestler, John Nord, also recognized as The Berzerker, in his recovery from a serious knee infection, a complication arising after surgery.

Nord’s family provided insights about his current health issues during an interaction with “Bring Me The News”. A potential leg amputation is among the medical challenges Nord is presently grappling with.

According to Joe, Nord’s son, “The knee surgery my father underwent led to a severe infection. After the infection was believed to be under control, a subsequent procedure was carried out to reinstate the joint in my dad’s leg. Now, the doctors have identified two primary infections, one of which has entered his bloodstream,” he stated, asserting that his father is receiving treatment for the infection. Joe continued, “In case the infection persists and gains momentum over the coming weeks, a probable course of action might be to take out the joint once more, potentially leading to a leg amputation above the knee. I am positive that the support garnered through this GoFundMe campaign will uplift him, reminding him of all the people who are rooting for his recovery. He has faced numerous tests in his life and inside the ring, against formidable adversaries. We are hopeful he will surmount this challenge as well.”

Nord gained popularity for his performances with the American Wrestling Association and World Class Championship Wrestling in the 1980s under the alias of Nord The Barbarian and Yukon John, and later with WWF, AJPW, and WCW in the ’90s as The Berzerker.

From all of us at eWn, we extend our wishes for a swift recovery to John Nord.