The Young Bucks On WGA & SAG-AFTRA Strikes, Wardlow/Kurt Angle News

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The Young Bucks appeared on the “Swerve City Podcast” to discuss a myriad of wrestling topics, including the problem of wrestlers not having a union, the current entertainment industry strikes with the WGA and SAG-AFTRA in the midst of a labor dispute against the AMPTP.

Matt Jackson discussed how the current WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes could benefit AEW and wrestling in general.


You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On wrestling not having a union: “It’s sad that wrestling hasn’t figured that out yet, and we don’t have the union thing. Will we ever have it? I don’t know. It’s almost like your question earlier; will wrestling be more like the NBA and have contracts like that? Maybe not till the day a union is finally created.”

On how the current WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes could potentially benefit AEW: “One thing I was thinking of is, during the pandemic, when a lot of these people couldn’t create shows and original content, AEW really thrived, because we were one of the only things still going, right? So the one thing, at least, and we were just talking about the whole SAG strike, and if it goes six months, maybe at least we’ll benefit from that a little bit, and they’ll watch our show. We’ll have original content every week because that’s what we do. Wrestling just keeps moving, no matter what. A pandemic couldn’t stop AEW. So maybe we get a few more eyeballs. I’m trying to think of anything positive to come out of this.”

At Terrificon 2023, AEW wrestler Wardlow recalled helping Kurt Angle train for his WrestleMania 34 retirement match against Baron Corbin.

You can check out some highlights from Wardlow below:

On training with Kurt Angle for his comeback match at WrestleMania 34: “I had the privilege to train with him as he prepared to come back for [his WrestleMania 34 match]. It was him and Ronda [Rousey] right? He was preparing for that match and I come up in the Pittsburgh area.”

On getting to work with Angle: “He just wanted to get back in ring shape, so a few of us would meet him once a week for a couple months and work with him and we had such great chemistry. Kurt’s such a nice dude. Like we would get done training and he’d just sit there and BS with us like we were buddies. It was really, really cool.”

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