The Warlord on Rick Steiner, Dino Bravo, Earthquake, Crush, Lex Luger & More | FIRING LINE

The Warlord on Rick Steiner, Dino Bravo, Earthquake, Crush, Lex Luger & More | FIRING LINE
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Warlord Shoots on Rick Steiner, Dino Bravo, Earthquake, Crush, Lex Luger & More | FIRING LINE
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These item are super. Call it the firing line I'm going to it's exactly the identical as no title Association but I'm going to provide you some names if there's a miniature legend with the fellow impossible and the important title modified into kri von Eric but we've talked about him the second title is Rick Steiner oh Rick modified into tricky as Nails man Rick as soon as you happen to ever Shake Rick's hand he's.

Purchased an awfully true hand he's obtained a meaty hand um tricky guy for sure coming out College of Michigan um wrestling vast wrestler cherished him as the gremlin he modified into Dynamite at it and naturally he modified into Dynamite alongside with his brother and that him and Scotty were vast collectively um but I I in level of fact take care of Rick man I continually obtained alongside with Rick and every.

Time I look uh at any time after I look Rick at signings in that stuff man we continually subsequent morning we're continually down having breakfast collectively and every thing else and I in level of fact revel in Rick plenty who's Crazy Rick or Scott uh Scott's Scott Scott Rick also can additionally be loopy but Scott is yeah Scott yeah he's he's.

Now he's now he's straightforward steel now but in his day when he's in WCW put out of your mind ITA pump put out of your mind it did you enjoy an example you may maybe most likely most likely most likely give us I wasn't round I wasn't round him that great so I will be capable to't yell I valid know I've heard honest ample then Akira MAA um in level of fact don't know great on that.

One don't know too great on that one I'll saunter on them Crush oh crush is gigantic guy too man out of Hawaii and that stuff um I met crush the very first time um identical time I met Chris benwell they were in Japan on the prepare at advert Dojo they're learn to battle and uh and then for sure he came into WWF after I modified into there um one more guy.

Sweetheart of a guy gigantic guy tricky guy and an awfully honest wrestler and he went alongside he went alongside well with h ax and shatter Huge Bubba Rogers boss man oh I knew boss man from the very first time I came to NWA um what a vast employee one more guy vast good guy um but what a employee he grew to change into and uh he in actual fact as soon as we went.

He modified into with me we went to Central States and we in actual fact roomed collectively um except they called him back to the NWA um we shared room we shared an home collectively and that stuff and he modified into valid an awfully lickety-split learner and when they gave him the gigantic boss men I indicate he took that night sick and first component he did he started working with that night.

Sick preferrred we learn to make expend of that component and he modified into he may maybe most likely most likely whip that component round and valid take care of nothing in level of fact take care of that natural in level of fact yeah in level of fact honest at it subsequent one is Sid um Sid modified into Sid modified into different um no longer one more valid great guy continually needed to gape up at him the total time um one more one valid he had a he had that.

Uncover build it that arrangement I indicate you gape at him he valid give that they're valid take care of wow man he had that valid that ferocious gape on his face one more one gigantic guy honest employee um I enjoy I've picked a form of gigantic guys here I don't know if that's valid take care of your have an effect on on the names I've picked here uh the next one is any individual we don't hear from.

Very great in any respect Chris Walker oh Chris modified into Chris I I in level of fact take care of Chris Chris traed me he modified into one more guy that modified into an awfully true workout particular person very true in the fitness heart um Chris Chris may maybe most likely most likely develop the relaxation out there he modified into he modified into one more particular individual that he’s going to enjoy to silent enjoy been given a push somewhere because he looked vast um he had the gape too he had that.

Uncover he looked take care of he may maybe most likely most likely appears to be like to be like take care of he’s going to enjoy been a bodybuilder of mle crew um but they valid they never gave him that push it on that stuff which I never understood because he positively deserved it Jimmy Fearless um Jimmy modified into you're talking Boogie WGY man Co yeah enough boogie modified into.

Expansive man boogie valid one more guy valid amusing guy um vast Ring vast Charisma in the ring what he may maybe most likely most likely develop didn't he wasn't a vast employee he didn't will enjoy to silent be a vast employee he may maybe most likely most likely develop it but he didn't want to he modified into a gimmick he modified into form of take care of The Bushwackers a gimmick and he modified into he had his gimmick down so honest and it modified into valid.

So fun to peek and he'd secure you chortle he's valid a amusing guy modified into going to say dude he modified into a vast employee he didn't steal any bumps and he can silent secure the team that is a vast work that's what I'm announcing that's what I'm announcing that Charisma out there man he had vast Charisma Tony.

Shani um vast talker um honest at what he may maybe most likely most likely develop very super particular particular person knew plenty about wrestling um and uh mostly that's it valid very very very super particular person in wrestling knew every thing about it Dino Bravo tricky guy French Canadian um honest honest honest bencher very.

Correct bencher he may maybe most likely most likely bench um didn't will enjoy to silent be a vast employee thanks to how he did things um but he modified into over gigantic time with that French Canadian component I indicate in level of fact in level of fact gigantic with that valid very sad came about over the head of his existence um very very laborious component in that stuff because all people cherished Dino a.

Lot all people did modified into this um no longer to saunter take care of too a long way down the shadowy facet of the Ring component or the relaxation but modified into this the relaxation any one modified into mindful about in the W locker room that he modified into dealing with take care of Contraband in level of fact no longer at that time because he modified into he modified into making honest cash it's when Vince let him saunter he had a gigantic home he had a every day life up in in.

Canada in uh Montreal and he needed to develop something to secure that form of cash but and he figured that modified into a trend to develop it and U it's valid unhappy Marty janetti oh Marty to this day is silent a nut um at that time he modified into a bigger employee than Shawn Michaels he modified into a stupendous employee vast talker um he.

Would possibly maybe maybe develop the relaxation in the ring Marty may maybe most likely most likely develop the relaxation but he valid had that that shadowy facet of him that had needed to be loopy the total time and the ingesting and and every thing else and that stuff um but to this day I look Marty man we give hugs and that stuff because he's such a sweetheart of a guy and that stuff but.

Let me present you he's a he's a fighter too he's a fighter he beat the heck out of Shawn one time at a vacation in in uh Denver Colorado they obtained into it and he blackened his leer other things and that stuff and Sean took off for a week he flew home he flew home so Marty beat the heck on him were you positively in the locker room for.

This uh no this modified into in the hallways at night time ah I obtained a name I obtained a name from my room from the girls that were placing out with them announcing Terry Marty and Sean are having a fight and I talked about valid let them wear themselves out subsequent I went to the hallway every thing every thing in the hallway is broken out um Marty's in the room.

Slumbering below the bed and Sean took off Sean took off enough I've been given the three minute warning so I'm going to want to make a selection some in level of fact honest names now here uh very snappy Manny Fernandez oh God Manny modified into he modified into one amongst the important these who uh after I traveled he modified into very good I I after I first came in NWA I didn't enjoy a a credit card I.

Didn't enjoy nothing and he would let me stick with him as soon as we commute because he had a credit card every thing else and that stuff and supplies me rides and every thing else and that stuff and one more one he modified into one more know modified into ragent Bull modified into a vast vast employee in NWA Lex luga.

Lex modified into I I I take care of I in level of fact take care of Lex um he's a preferrred particular person but after I first met him he modified into very narcissistic after I first met him um in level of fact into himself would arrive to the locker room to form of build his to find down no longer yell hi there to the boys every thing else vast physique um and then after some time after.

He obtained to Du he in level of fact modified plenty as soon as you obtained to WWF he modified his he grew to change into very very good very outgoing every thing else that so and to this day at any time after I look Lex I in level of fact take care of Lex plenty and he went to the wbf in addition to so I believed he'd be take care of enemies for a miniature while y he did for a sure while yeah um John tenter.

Earthquake oh God gigantic guy form of take care of moose here um but let me present you he he may maybe most likely most likely work and he may maybe most likely most likely steal bumps when he took a bump he may maybe most likely most likely steal a bump we had a match in Japan that we tore the home down where I needed to slam him three thrice and then he and then for him to to find he needed to pin me and I slam I slammed him I I needed to steal him off his.

Toes thrice um and I in level of fact uh I slammed him I suplexed him and held him up above my head suplexing him and I had one more one where I modified into going to slam him and then on the final second whoops it's all preferrred I've obtained you enough on the final second um he kicked his ft and then I went down and on the head he beat me.

Nonetheless uh boy he may maybe most likely most likely work for a gigantic guy he had endurance he may maybe most likely most likely saunter yeah I don't realize why other folks don't build him in when other folks yell oh the wonderful vast heavyweights of all time earthquake secure missed out fairly plenty no he's one amongst them positively one amongst them and the final quiz God my tummy's rumbling now I will be capable to't imagine .

You've had no breakfast for two hours I will be capable to't imagine how great yours is rumbling but the very very final one we're going to saunter with Bob backland uh valid extinct college tricky extinct college he modified into in actual fact my uh six-man uh impress team champion accomplice with uh warfare or yeah War um with uh uh Scott pky we had the six-man belts over there and he modified into.

Silly to peek he modified into a valid a vast guy in the ring vast vast pleasure to be round continually wore a swimsuit coat it’s a long way per chance 100 degrees out he's carrying a swimsuit coat but uh he's a dynamite wrestler man Dynamite did he enjoy that talking dictionary with him he had every thing with him Bob had every thing with him the total time but take care of I yell Bob Bob.

Lived his gimmick he modified into very honest at it vast at it
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The Warlord on Rick Steiner, Dino Bravo, Earthquake, Crush, Lex Luger & More | FIRING LINE

The Warlord on Rick Steiner, Dino Bravo, Earthquake, Crush, Lex Luger & More | FIRING LINE