The Undertaker’s ‘Ministry of Darkness’ gimmick necessitated transformation to ensure its continuance.

The Undertaker’s ‘Ministry of Darkness’ gimmick necessitated transformation to ensure its continuance.
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In a recent episode of his podcast, “Six Feet Under,” The Undertaker delved into the beginnings of his awe-striking Ministry of Darkness avatar, strategy behind bringing underrated talent into his unit, and more.

Here are some fascinating points shared on the podcast:

On the birth of Ministry of Darkness: “The Undertaker persona had to progress. I wanted the persona to be showcased, but there was a balance to maintain as prolonged visibility on TV can lead to fatigue, redundancy, and a wane in interest. So, my mission was to swerve the persona into an even grimmer realm, distinct and more malevolent. The plan was to intensify imagery and symbolism and really test people’s comfort zone — that was my aim. Elevate and perpetuate the persona’s evolution. I saw some promising guys without any dedicated storylines who were just another name in the mix. And I thought, ‘Why not introduce them to the Ministry, alter their titles?’ Perhaps, it could wield a unique spin for their career down the lane.”

On spotting performers needing a little jolt of inspiration: “Sometimes, all what it takes is a small prompt to ignite something substantial. That encapsulates everyone except Mabel, didn’t want to take that gamble again. Honestly, he was gargantuan and an intimidating figure… For Ron and John, it served as a stimulant. Obviously, they evolved from the Acolytes to the Acolyte Protection Agency, APA, and John stretched his wings into his own singles stint. All are chaps that I had a good rapport with, who were willing to take the leap. We definitely pushed the borders of discomfort, like when I started hanging performers on my symbol, inviting a wave of objections and accusations from religious communities. That’s when we knew we were onto something significant because it was making people uncomfortable. It was a fascinating journey until it evolved into the Corporate Ministry.”

On intending to disquiet people with the gimmick: “Undoubtedly. That was the prime objective. Transitioning from burying people in their tarnished souls to almost a cult-like scenario and really crossing the line.”

Here’s a snippet of the podcast where The Undertaker dwells into the evolution of the iconic stable, Ministry of Darkness (embedded content):