The Undertaker Responds to Speculation About His Prohibition from Vermont

The Undertaker Responds to Speculation About His Prohibition from Vermont
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During a recent episode of his podcast “Six Feet Under”, WWE Hall of Famer The Undertaker shared some behind-the-scenes stories from his illustrious career. Topics touched upon included a past story angle that saw him donni the Kane costume, a false rumor about Vermont, and other interesting tidbits.

Here are some standout moments from the podcast conversation:

In terms of portraying Kane on one particular episode of the WWE RAW in 1998, The Undertaker reminisces, “Whose idea it was, I’m unsure, yet it was nothing short of brilliant. It was hilarious how you’re around these individuals constantly, but when you have to mimic them, their persona, their quirks, it ends up being quite nerve-wracking to pull it off without hinting at the audience. I remember thinking ‘I’m going to appear like a thin version of Kane’ in that costume due to our weight difference. Yet, amazingly, every time we did it, it went over perfectly. It was a legendary moment when I unmasked to the shock of Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler. It was absolutely entertaining and creatively genius.”

Addressing the hearsay about being prohibited from entering Vermont, The Undertaker states, “The grand pancake mystery. I’ve never heard this absurdity about being banned from Vermont. I can assure you, I’m not banned. I neither live near nor frequent Vermont. You can’t ban an individual from a state, regardless of the stupidity of their actions.”

To dive deeper into these conversations and other interesting anecdotes, listen to his podcast, “Six Feet Under,” below. [embedded content]