The Undertaker remains uncertain whether Tony Khan is the ideal head for AEW.

The Undertaker remains uncertain whether Tony Khan is the ideal head for AEW.
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WWE legend and Hall of Famer, The Undertaker, has lately raised doubts about Tony Khan’s ability to manage All Elite Wrestling (AEW), a strong competitor for WWE.

Tony Khan, along with Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks, has been at the helm of AEW since it came into being in 2019. They all hold the position of Executive Vice Presidents.

During the recently held Q&A session from his podcast “Six Feet Under”, The Undertaker was asked about his viewpoint on Khan’s leadership role in AEW. His views were summarized as follows,

“I have nothing against Tony, but I question whether he has the right mix of skills to run the company against a mammoth like WWE. While his passion is commendable, I am unsure if Tony is the right person for the CEO’s chair.

That said, I could be wrong. There was this one other time when I was mistaken. My best wishes are with the company; healthy competition benefits the wrestlers, entertain the audience and enhances the industry as a whole.”

A significant event on Tony Khan’s calendar currently is AEW x NJPW: Forbidden Door, the third collaboration event between the two wrestling companies, scheduled to happen later this month.

Interestingly, The Undertaker hasn’t made an appearance at WWE since he was featured in WrestleMania 40’s main event (Night Two), where Cody Rhodes was crowned the Unquestioned WWE Universal Champion.